Florida Baptists Lead the Way

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The commitment to intentional evangelism is at the heart of Florida Baptist churches. The Acts 2:41 Baptism emphasis in the month of May has been an exciting testimony of individuals professing their faith in Christ through the symbol of baptism. Florida Baptist churches have been at beaches, lakes, rivers, swimming pools, portable pools, baptismal pools, and fountains. It is exciting to follow on Florida Baptist Convention social media the pictures from around our state of baptisms!!

Florida Baptist Churches led all State Conventions in the Southern Baptist Convention in total baptisms during the 2017-2018 church year. Our churches baptized 26,162 individuals to the glory of the Lord during this time period. This number was an increase of 1,245 over the previous year! This 5% increase reflects the strategic and intentional efforts of our Florida Baptist churches in sharing the Gospel across our state.

I encourage each of our churches to participate in the Who’s Your One? emphasis of the SBC. If you need materials to assist you in leading this evangelistic effort in your church, please contact the Florida Baptist Convention and we will send you the information.

Thank you Florida Baptists for keeping the main thing the main thing!

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