Statement Regarding Retention of Outside Consultants Reviewing Florida Baptist Convention’s Sexual Abuse Prevention Policies

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The Florida Baptist Convention has received inquiries from Florida Baptists regarding Guidepost Solutions and its recent social media post. These inquiries sprang from a belief that the Florida Baptist Convention also has ties to (or had hired) Guidepost. This is actually not correct. While we are in the middle of a third-party review of sexual abuse prevention policies across the Florida Baptist Convention, this review is being conducted by Telios Law based out of Monument, Colorado.

When it needs to retain outside consultants or vendors, the Florida Baptist Convention has always striven to associate with like-minded individuals and firms; those that share a solidly biblical worldview.  We would strongly encourage the Executive Committee (or any other arm, agency or group of the Southern Baptist Convention) to do likewise. Choosing to retain individuals or organizations which actively promote world-views contrary to the teachings of scripture is simply not good stewardship of the cooperative program dollars which have been entrusted to them by faithful Southern Baptists.

Tommy Green
Executive Director – Treasurer

Paul Purvis
President, Florida Baptist State Convention

Brian Stowe
President, State Board of Missions

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