
Minister Employment

Ministry employment transition is never easy.  To help with these needs in our Florida Baptist churches and ministers, we offer the Church Resume service. This service allows church minister search teams access to resumes of ministers that are seeking God’s next place of ministry. So we welcome the opportunity to provide information about ministers who are seeking a church and churches who are seeking a minister.

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Church Positions

First Baptist Church of Longwood, FL

First Baptist Church of Longwood is seeking to call an Associate Pastor of Worship to serve in a growing area of Central Florida. We desire to find someone who has a heart for congregational worship and experience in equipping church members to worship God in the corporate setting and in their daily lives. If you would like to explore this opportunity, please send a resume and a philosophy of ministry to…

Hibernia Baptist Church, Fleming Island, FL

Hibernia Baptist Church in Fleming Island, FL is seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Media & Production Director to join our team. This part-time role involves overseeing all aspects of media and production for worship services and special events, ensuring technical excellence in sound, lighting, video, and staging. The ideal candidate will have experience in media systems management, technical…

Pine Grove Baptist Church, Lake City, FL

Pine Grove Baptist Church of Lake City, Florida, is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Pastor. The applicant must be a devoted Christian, mature in his faith, committed to the Baptist faith and message, motivated leader and have sound management skills. Persons applying for the position should have extensive Biblical knowledge, ability to teach sound Biblical doctrine, and be a seminary…

South Patrick Baptist Church of Satellite Beach, FL

South Patrick Baptist Church of Satellite Beach, FL is searching for a part-time/bi-vocational Minister of Music. Pay will be a salaried position of $7,500 per year. For a full job description, go to Minister of Music – SBC Job Board If interested, please send your resume to

Family Church Español, Port Charlotte, FL

Family Church Español in Port Charlotte is offering an intern position within the worship ministry to provide leadership in corporate worship, develop a team of worship volunteers, and grow as a disciple of Jesus. An intern must be teachable, humble, and willing to serve in several capacities. The intern is also prepared to commit to raising both prayer and financial support from a team of people during the…

International Seafarer Ministry of Miami

Executive Director of International Seafarer Ministry of Miami is seeking an ordained Christian leader committed to share the Gospel with the world. Responsibilities include oversee the port ministry, promote its purpose to seafarers, churches, and port entities; raise funds, supervise chaplains and volunteers, and utilize social media to promote the ministry.  Contact Dan Bailey at or call…

Bethel Baptist Church, Lakeland, FL

Bethel Baptist Church, Lakeland, FL is seeking a Part-time Children’s Ministry Director. We are seeking a creative, enthusiastic, hardworking leader to nurture the next generation and their families.  Plan and execute weekly children’s ministry activities, including scheduling nursery volunteer coverage for Wednesday and Sunday services; and coordinating Bethel Kidz Church program.  Current children’s…

New Home Baptist Church in Perry, FL

New Home Baptist Church in Perry, FL is prayerfully seeking to fill the full-time position of Minister of Music.  NHBC Perry is a pastor-led growing church.  We have all regular weekly services on Sun and Wed.  And a full range of ministries for men, women, and children.  For qualifications, job description, and profiles:  Please submit your resume by sending an email…

First Baptist Church, Chattahoochee, FL

First Baptist Church, Chattahoochee, FL is seeking a part-time Director/Worship Leader.  Our music style has been traditional; however, we see the need to incorporate a contemporary worship style for a more blended worship experience. The Music Director will provide leadership for the entire music ministry, lead Adult Choir, select and oversee the preparation of music appropriate for Sun./Wed. services in…

Providence Baptist Church, Grand Ridge, FL

Providence Baptist Church, Grand Ridge, Florida is prayerfully seeking a full time Associate Pastor. Church information can be found at Candidates must meet the qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9, express a clear call to vocational ministry, and subscribe to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Ministry related degree preferred, degree in steady progress considered. A…

First Baptist Church Graceville, FL

FBC-Graceville, Florida, is seeking a full-time Associate Pastor who will have duties related to musical worship, discipleship, and pastoral care, depending on experience and abilities. MA, M.Div., other graduate degree preferred; graduate degree in progress acceptable. A job description is available upon request. Please send resume to and

First Baptist Church of Perry, FL

First Baptist Church of Perry Florida seeks a full-time Associate Pastor of Worship to join our staff and lead our congregation of 170 with a blended style of musical worship, including trending songs and traditional hymns. The successful candidate must be a dedicated Christ follower, proficient in leading worship with guitar and/or keyboard. A job description and application instructions can be found at…

First Baptist Church Marianna, FL

FBC Marianna is seeking a minister to students and missions. This position will provide leadership to our youth, college and young adults ministries, and work alongside Missions and Local Ministry and Outreach Committees. FBC Marianna is a multigenerational church running between 175-200 on Sunday mornings. This position is a unique opportunity to help grow the ministry and church. We are looking for…

First Baptist Church of Flagler Beach, FL

First Baptist Church of Flagler Beach is searching for a new part-time/bivocational Worship Leader. They would be responsible for planning and leading weekly Choir rehearsals and Sunday morning worship. If interested, please contact us at

New Prospect Baptist Church, Cross City, FL

New Prospect Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking man of God to be our full-time Pastor. We are in Cross City, Florida, a rural area in the heart of Dixie County. We have a congregation of around 120 faithful loving members. If you feel God is leading you to our church, please send your resume to

First Baptist Church of New Smyrna Beach, FL

FirstNSB- First Baptist Church of New Smyrna Beach is seeking a Full Time Family Pastor to provide leadership to Children’s ministry (birth through 5th grade) and to work alongside our Student Pastor to develop and implement a strategy for reaching Next Gen (birth through high school) and their families. Please respond to: 386-428-2921, x103

Lakes Church in Lakeland, FL

Lakes Church in Lakeland seeks to honor the Lord and fulfill the Great Commission by being One Church in Multiple locations.   Our purpose is to glorify God by making Jesus Christ known throughout our community and beyond.  The Part time Kids Ministry Associate will serve primarily at the Downtown campus but will help provide supplies, resources and curriculum for the Kids Ministries at our other Lakes…

Westview Baptist Church in Sanford, FL

Westview Baptist Church in Sanford, FL is seeking a highly motived, energetic, and experienced Children’s Director to join our team. We are looking for someone who is passionate about children, enjoys helping strengthen families, and desires to reach the next generation with the gospel. We are looking for someone gifted with the ability to cast a new vision for our children’s ministry in conjunction with…

Cooperating Ministry Positions

Christian School Positions

Association Positions

General Classifieds

Westminster Manor Bradenton

Westminster Manor Bradenton (a Senior living community) is looking for an organ with 2 full manuals and full pedals.  The organ is used mainly for worship services and special event programs focused on sharing the Gospel.   Recently we had a problem with our current organ, and were advised to begin looking for a replacement.  Perhaps your church has one you would like to donate? Please contact: Wilma Smith…


Chaplain Positions

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