Florida Baptists called to pray/fast

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Mike Orr, president of the Florida Baptist State Convention, is calling all Florida Baptists to a dedicated time of prayer and fasting Wednesday, May 1, for “discernment and God’s direction” in seeking a new Florida Baptist executive director-treasurer.

“This position is key for the unity and direction of our state convention churches in the years ahead,” he said.

This concert of prayer among Florida Baptists is “an acknowledgment of our dependence on the Lord … It’s highly important, critically important for us to be committed to prayer and to seek the Lord and ask Him to make it clear to us whom He has chosen to be the next executive director-treasurer,” Orr said.

Following the April 4 retirement announcement of Tommy Green, Florida Baptists’ executive director-treasurer since 2015, a search team was named by Aaron Burgner, president of Florida Baptists’ State Board of Missions, to begin the process of selecting a new person to fill the leadership role.

This entire process needs to be bathed in prayer.

Mike Orr president, Florida Baptist State Convention

“This entire process needs to be bathed in prayer,” Orr said, adding that there is “great power” when God’s people come together collectively with “one mind and one heart … for one request.”

Orr, pastor of First Baptist Church, Chipley, requested prayer specifically for search team members to be “sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit,” to be “spiritually sound” and to be unified in their confirmation of the person God has called to fill this role in the state convention.

He is calling Florida Baptist churches also to pray in their May 1 midweek services for the executive director-treasurer search team.

“God is moving and stirring all over Florida. It’s amazing what God is doing. We just need to keep our focus on the gospel, on the work God has called us to do, and He’s going to take care of every need we have.

“It’s exciting to be a Florida Baptist. I’m really encouraged by what’s happening in our churches right now.”

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