Florida Baptist Convention, College Park, Upward Soccer


Survey results from a Barna Research Group study indicated that children ages 5-13 are more likely to trust in Christ than any other age demographic. Kid’s ministry in the local church serves as an opportunity to share the Gospel with children and partner with parents in the discipleship process.

Kid Min Coaching

Kid Ministry Coaching – VBS TLH

Billy Young, Florida Baptist Convention discusses VBS TLH, a unique plan to do VBS this summer with Jenny Whitaker,…

Kid Ministry Coaching – VBS During COVID-19

Billy Young and Melita Thomas discuss preparing for VBS during COVID-19.
Kid Min Coaching

Kid Min Coaching

Kid Ministry Coaching – VBS TLH

Billy Young, Florida Baptist Convention discusses VBS TLH, a unique plan to do VBS this summer with Jenny Whitaker,…

Kid Ministry Coaching – VBS During COVID-19

Billy Young and Melita Thomas discuss preparing for VBS during COVID-19.
Nathan Schneider

Nathan Schneider

Next Generation Ministry – Lead Catalyst

Jessica Beike, Assistant

Florida Baptist Convention, Next Generation Ministries

Children's Events