The Florida Baptist Convention Executive Director-Treasurer search team is accepting candidate recommendations. The submission portal is open through May 15, 2024.

A special call to prayer

On behalf of the Florida Baptist Convention Executive Director-Treasurer search team, I am requesting that all Florida Baptists commit to praying for God’s next candidate who will fill this role. This position is key for the unity and direction of our state convention churches in the years ahead. As a search team, we understand the vital importance of committing this process to the Lord and asking Him to guide us at every step. Please join us in continually praying for discernment and God’s direction. In addition, I am calling all Florida Baptists on May 1st to fast and pray for God to guide us by His Spirit to the next person to fill this position. In addition, I am asking that all churches in our state take the time to pray for these things during your prayer services on that evening. God is doing a great work in our state, and I trust that the man He calls will help lead us to the next level in reaching Florida for Christ.

In Christ,
Mike Orr
President, Florida Baptist State Convention

The Submission Portal has been closed.