Maximize Your Summer
Summer ministries are here. Vacation Bible School, camps, mission trips, and the various other activities fill up the schedules of student and kid ministries. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to maximize your summer in ministry.
Make the Gospel a priority
This may seem like a no-brainer, but with the logistics that takes place in our summer programming there is a tendency to make sharing the Gospel something we add-on. Sharing the Gospel and helping people grow in their walk with Jesus is the reason the local church exists. Make sure that you share Christ in all summer programming.
Build relationships with students
Take advantage of time at camp, transitioning from mission to recreation time at VBS, and sitting down for meals on trips to engage with students that you have not connected with yet. Summer programming brings new students into your ministry. Find a way to get to know something about them in order to connect them with the life of your church.
Provide an on-ramp for new volunteers
Recruiting is a never-ending task in the life of those leading next generation ministry areas. The summer can provide new on-ramps for potential volunteers. From chaperones to camp and recreation leaders at VBS, the summer can provide opportunities for you to evaluate adult leaders and see if they would be a fit in your ministry.
Have Fun!
The summer is a busy time for kid and student ministry leaders, and many of them look forward to the first day of school so they can get some rest. With all that takes place, make sure to have fun!