Come to our family gathering

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I invite you to our family gathering at Calvary Baptist Church in Clearwater on November 13-15.  

The Florida Baptist State Convention will be a watershed event for our Florida Baptist churches as we travel from across the state to this important gathering for worship, preaching, fellowship and business.  

My prayer is that you will be encouraged and inspired to experience the story of God moving in churches in Florida. We will hear dynamic testimonies of the blessings of your Cooperative Program gifts throughout Florida. 

It has been an extremely exciting year of evangelism, church planting, church revitalization, church health and mission ministry in Florida.

The gathering of our family will be a celebration of the Gospel ministry. 

I appreciate the leadership of our Florida Baptist State Convention President, Dr. James Peoples. He has prayerfully, in collaboration with our Committee on Order of Business, fashioned a very powerful schedule for our family gathering.  

The Pastor’s Conference under the direction of Dr. Joel Breidenbaugh will begin Sunday evening and conclude Monday afternoon. He, too, has developed a strong lineup of speakers. 

Calvary Clearwater has been an incredible host church and their staff is deeply committed to encouraging and facilitating our family meeting. 

The uniqueness of this yearly gathering enables us to set aside dedicated time from our schedules to be together. We are better together as we serve the Lord in our Florida home. 

I trust you are making plans to join with your Florida Baptist family at Calvary Clearwater on November 13-15. I am blessed beyond measure in the privilege of serving our family. Thank you, Florida Baptists!

By Dr. Tommy Green, Executive Director-Treasurer, Florida Baptist Convention

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