Volunteers from near and far bless BCF

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GRACEVILLE–The Baptist College of Florida (BCF) in Graceville not only appreciates but depends on the mission of volunteers who come to the school and faithfully serve. This year, volunteers came from states both near and far—including Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee and Florida.

On the Graceville campus, volunteers have installed new bathrooms, constructed room partitions in the Administration Building and converted several married student housing units into lodging for camp attendees. One Missouri volunteer worked night and day to build new shelves in the Archive Building to house books from the hurricane-damaged library. To date he has built a total of 31 units consisting of 922 shelves.

Other volunteers worked alongside office employees helping where needed, providing a sweet spirit of encouragement and tremendous helping hand. Others have been busy sewing in Heritage Village’s log cabin, making items to give to pregnancy centers, nursing homes and the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes.

Volunteers said that although they come to help the college, they are the ones truly blessed by being able to serve on a campus such as BCF.

“The faculty and staff have been amazed and eternally grateful for the mission volunteers that give of their time, talent, and resources to make a difference on the campus,” said Sandra Richardson, BCF Director of Student Life and Marketing. “Special projects and much needed assistance is their forte and everyone on the campus benefits from their expertise and experience.”

For more information on mission projects at The Baptist College of Florida, please call 800.328.2660 or visit the website at www.baptistcollege.edu.

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