Florida Baptist Global Hunger Relief

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Food Distribution through Florida Baptist Churches

For many years, Florida Baptist Churches have served their communities by providing food for the needy. The pandemic brought new challenges and an increased need for food due to loss of jobs and food availability. Florida Baptists had a great opportunity to reach their communities like never before through the food distributions of 2020. This became a catalyst for many churches to begin ongoing food ministries to their communities that had not been reached before. Many more churches are taking advantage of hunger funds available through the Florida Baptist Convention. Florida Baptist Churches have distributed food throughout their communities while sharing Christ and praying with ones impacted by the pandemic and other crisis. The report on food ministries below has been submitted by those churches receiving hunger funds. The pictures above are from various Florida Baptist Churches conducting food distributions across the state.

We want to celebrate with all the churches that are reaching their communities through feeding ministries. Please scroll down to Hunger Ministries by County.  If your church has a feeding ministry and is not listed, please send us the information requested.

2021 Hunger Outreach Annual Report

  • Evangelistic Encounters: 8,340
  • Professions of faith: 1,280
  • Baptisms: 225
  • 77 Churches and Associations received Hunger Funds
  • $79,830 in hunger funds distributed to Churches/Associations
  • 546,894 people fed

Starting a Feeding Ministry Resources

Click links below to download.

Starting a Feeding Ministry PowerPoint or PDF

Feeding Florida Food Banks

Food Safety

Hunger Funds Summary Report

Download Form


Hunger Funds Need to Be Requested by the 10th of each month

Hunger Funds will be Deposited by the 15th of each month

Please fill in each blank below with the most accurate information available. (This part must be filled in order to receive funds.)

Is this a new hunger ministry or established?(Required)


Send a Church Voided Check

Use the information for direct deposit.

Mail to:
Loida Reyes - Hunger Ministry
6850 Belfort Oaks PL
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Or Email: lreyes@flbaptist.org

If you have questions, contact us at
1-800-226-8584 extension 3133.

Hunger Guidelines

The objectives of the hunger funds are:

  1. To assist churches and associations with the purchase of nutritious food supplies as they minister to hungry people in their communities.
  2. To assist churches as they seek to evangelize the poor through this ministry.
  3. To provide training or education for hungry people which will aid them in feeding themselves.

It is our desire that Florida Baptists demonstrate the love of Christ
and use opportunities to share the Bread of Life as they share food supplies
with families and individuals.


Churches and their associations that are cooperating members with the
Florida Baptist Convention are eligible to receive hunger funds.


  1. Hunger funds are to be requested only after local church resources have been depleted. Each church may request only once a month.
  2. Funds are to be used to purchase nutritious food supplies only. Money is not to be given to individuals or families.
  3. When a church is establishing a food ministry, initial start-up funds may be used for shelving, refrigeration, and stocking of food. These funds are on a limited basis.
  4. Effort should be made to locate food sources at discounted prices, such as wholesale stores or community food banks. Arrangements may be made to purchase post-dated goods from local food chains.
  5. Churches are asked to plan at least quarterly food drives within their congregations in order to help stock the food pantry.
  6. Every possible effort should be made to cooperate fully with other helping agencies, always maintaining the identity of the local church or association and the Florida Baptist Convention. Caution should be exercised to avoid duplication of service.

Reporting Use of Funds

  1. Please complete and return a summary report even if additional funds are not being requested.
  2. The summary report of how the funds were distributed should be faxed, emailed, mailed, or submitted online.

Limits of Service

  1. Funds are not to become a regular budget support for the church or families in need. Distribution will be made on an individual request basis and as funds are available.
  2. Do not purchase exotic food items, sweet-tooth items, paper goods, or any cleaning supplies such as soaps, washing powders, etc. These funds are HUNGER funds.

Suggested food list: bread, rice, grits, macaroni, noodles, dried beans, peanut butter,
canned fruits, vegetables, fish, poultry, meat, cheese, milk, and staples
such as seasonings, flour, sugar, shortening, etc.

Hunger Ministries

We are celebrating what God is doing through Florida Baptist Churches and Associations through food ministries. Over 700 Florida Baptist Churches and Associations are listed in the regions and on the map that have food ministries to their communities. Many of the churches have food distribution on a regular basis, while others hold food distributions sporadically. Some have been giving away food in their communities for many years. Some churches just began ministering to the hungry as they participated in the Pandemic Food Distribution of 2020, and they continue to reach out to their communities in this way.

We want to include all Florida Baptist Churches and Associations that have a Food Ministry. If your church or association is not listed, please email Marc Johnston at mjohnston@flbaptist.org the following information: Church Name, City, Name of Ministry, Contact Person, Phone Number and Email.

Grace and Peace Community Davenport (407) 600-9229 747 Savannah Reserve Loop 33837 renelsaintlouis@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Central Kissimmee Kissimmee (407) 847-3138 1700 N John Young Pkwy 34741-3219 robin.c@fbckissimmee.com
Iglesia Bautista Resurreccion – Kissimmee Kissimmee (407) 343-9844 2534 Neptune Rd 34744 ibrkissimmee@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Unidos Por Fe Lakeland (863) 899-9371 1000 Mount Airy Ave 33801-6257 pastorralphriera@hotmail.com
Starke Lake Baptist Church Ocoee (407) 656-2351 611 West Ave 34761 starkelakebaptist@gmail.com
Church at the Cross Orlando (407) 293-4571 700 Good Homes Rd 32818-6600 pastor@catcorlando.com
Comunidad De Gracia Orlando (407) 947-6282 11513 S Orange Blossom Trl 32837 info@icgracia.org
First Haitian Baptist Church Orlando (407) 578-6988 4701 Lenox Blvd 32811 ContactFhabco@gmail.com
Gateway Baptist Church (Killarney) Orlando (407) 644-7741 701 Formosa Ave 32789-4566 nsigmund@entertolive.org
Grace Alive Orlando (321) 430-1770 1400 N Nowell St 32808-6937 info@gracealive.church
Haitienne Horeb Baptist Church Orlando (407) 299-9701 750 Plaza #58 OBT 32805
Iglesia Bautista Casa Portadores De Gloria Orlando (407) 273-4650 5200 Old Cheney Hwy 32807-1916 portadorescpg@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Hay Vida En Jesus Orlando (407) 413-6716 hayvidaenjesus@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem Orlando (407) 936-5408 6237 Jason St 32809 avivamiento67@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Jesus Es El Senor Orlando (407) 844-5480 danyvr1976@gmail.com
Philadelphia Haitian Church Orlando (407) 578-1228 800 N Pine Hills Rd 32808
Riverside Baptist Church Orlando (407) 295-3850 7719 Forest City Rd 32810-2904 riversideorlando@gmail.com
University BC – Ministerio Hispano Orlando (407) 273-2227 14707 Sussex Dr 32826-3821 nathan@ubcorlando.com
Woodhaven Baptist Orlando (407) 948-3906 3035 36th St 32839-8626 enquiries@woodhavenbc.org
FBC Poinciana Poinciana (863) 427-0075 601 Walnut St 34759-4222 poincianachurch@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Casa De Bendicion St Cloud (407) 967-3970 2675 Canoe Creek Road 34772 cdbendicion1@yahoo.com
Horizon West Winter Garden (407) 877-6237 6121 Avalon Rd 34787-9745 hwestcc@gmail.com
Templo Biblico Bautista W. G. Winter Garden (407) 376-3652 112 Tildenville School Rd 34787 josecrdn@gmail.com
Altoona First Baptist Church Altoona (352) 669-2806 42226 State Rd 19 32702 fbcaltoonachurch@aol.com
Eglise Baptiste Siloe de Clermont Clermont (407) 300-3681 504 Palm St 34787-4370 rmarson05@yahoo.com
FBC Clermont Clermont (352) 394-4221 2751 Hartwood Marsh Rd 34711-5244 fbc@firstbaptistclermont.com
LifePointe Church, Eustis Eustis (352) 357-5663 3551 E Orange Ave 32736 jp@lifepointechurch.me
Heritage Community Church Fruitland Park (352) 431-3935 509 W Berckman St 34731-3224 sidney@heritagecommunity.org
FBC Groveland Groveland (352) 429-2651 137 East Cherry Street 34736-2515 office@fbcgroveland.org
FBC Leesburg Leesburg (352) 787-1005 220 N 13th St 34748-4962 kayecastle@fbcleesburg.org
Mt Ararat Missionary Baptist Church Leesburg (352) 787-6400 1108 E Main St 34748
La Primera Iglesia Bautista de Mascotte Mascotte (352) 429-2606 857 W Myers Blvd 34753 felicianoframirez@yahoo.com
Saving Faith Baptist Church Mount Dora (352) 383-1546 1155 N Clayton St 32757-4959 savingfaithbcmd@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Lake Saunders Mt. Dora (352) 321-5591 1405 Bay Rd 32757 claudia.rojas3@aol.com
Iglesia Bautista La Gracia Sorrento (352) 602-4276 19650 State Road 44 32736-2103 iblagraciagrace@gmail.com
Congregacion Bautista Bet-El Tavares, (352) 508-5303 1100 N St Clair Abrams Ave 32778 gadolfozd@gmail.com
FBC Umanitilla Umatilla (352) 669-3214 550 Hatfield Dr 32784-8986 rose@fbcu.church
FBC Brooksville Brooksville (352) 796-6791 420 Howell Ave 34601 office@fbcbrooksville.org
Agape Life Baptist (Gulf Ridge Park) Brooksville (352) 796-4710 20200 Manecke Rd 34601 agapelifeorg@gmail.com
Garden Grove Baptist Church Brooksville (352) 796-2209 18131 Stromberg Ave 34604-7548 fbcgg@yahoo.com
Hebron Baptist Church Brooksville (352) 346-7652 18085 Citrus Way 34614-0826 Pastorjoshis@yahoo.com
Hillside Community Baptist Church Brooksville (352) 799-0687 27440 Cortez Blvd 34602-7921 secretary@hillsidebaptist.com
Stagecoach Junction Fellowship Bushnell (352) 793-8679 8820 W CR 476 33513 pastormike@sjfbc.net
North Oak Baptist Church Citrus Springs (352) 489-1688 9324 N Elkcam Blvd 34433-4353 nobckat@gmail.com
FBC Crystal River Crystal River (352) 498-5107 16024 SE Hwy 19 32628-0897 1stcrosscity@bellsouth.net
Red Level Church Crystal River (352) 795-2086 11025 W Dunnellon Rd 34428-8676 redlevel@embarqmail.com
Floral City First Baptist Church Floral City (352) 726-4296 8545 E Magnolia St 34436 jpensfbcfc@gmail.com
FBC Hernando Hernando (352) 726-6734 3790 E Parsons PT 34442 FBCHernando@hotmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida Inverness Holder (352) 229-4537 550 Pleasant Grove Rd 34452-5789 iglesianuevavidadecitrus@gmail.com
FBC Homosassa Homosassa (352) 628-3858 10540 W Yulee Dr 34448 office@fbchomosassa.org
Suncoast Baptist Church Homossassa Springs (352) 621-3008 5310 S Suncoast Blvd 34446
New Hope Missionary Church, Hudson Hudson (727) 856-8336 14236 County Line Rd 34667-6467 admin@newhopembconline.org
Cornerstone  Baptist Church, Inverness Inverness (352) 726-7335 1100 W. Highland Blvd 34452 info@atthecorner.church
FBC Inverness Inverness (352) 726-1252 550 Pleasant Grove Rd 34452-5789 debbie@fbcinverness.com
Istachatta Baptist Church Istachatta (352) 667-4273 28075 Magnon Dr. 34636 istachattaBC@tampabay.rr.com
Union Missionary Baptist Port Richey (727) 845-0821 6235 Pinehill Rd 34668 umbc.org@gmail.com
Antioch Fellowship, Spring Hill Spring Hill (352) 684-8989 9429 Santoro Sreet 34608 antiochfbc1@gmail.com
Mision Hispana Northcliff Spring Hill (352) 683-5882 10515 Northcliffe Blvd 34608-3653 northcliffe@northcliffeonline.org
Spring Hill Baptist Church Spring Hill (352) 683-2863 7279 Pinehurst Dr 34606-6153 firstbaptistchurchsh@gmail.com
Northcliffe Baptist Church Spring Hill (352) 683-5882 10515 Northcliffe Blvd 34608-3653 northcliffe@northcliffeonline.org
FBC Dade City Dade City (352) 518-9002 37420 Beauchamp Ave. 33525 jbuddy111@yahoo.com
Pasadena Baptist Church Dade City (352) 521-0545 35845 Clinton Ave 33525-8455 pasadenabaptist@gmail.com
FBC Hudson Hudson (727) 378-5885 7009 Hudson Ave 34667 pastorsteve@fbchudson.org
Hicks Road Baptist Church Hudson (727) 863-5959 12219 Hicks Rd 34669-3706 hrbc1975@yahoo.com
Faith Community Spring Hill (727) 857-1883 16902 Shady Hills Rd 34610-6869 Mike@FCC4Jesus.com
Lena Vista Baptist Church Auburndale (863) 967-3692 213 Florida Dr 33823-2922 lvbc_info@tampabay.rr.com
FBC Davenport Davenport (863) 422-4542 110 W Maple St 33837 FBC@FBCdavenport.org
FBC Eagle Lake Eagle Lake (863) 534-1195 2500 U. S. Hwy 17 S 33839 fbcelsecretary@gmail.com
FBC Frostproof Frostproof (863) 635-3603 96 W B. St 33843-0327 fbcfrostproof10@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Nuevo Amanecer Lake Wales (863) 455-9591 455 4th St S 33853-3775
Lake Region Baptist Church Winter Haven (863) 604-9962 2019 Dundee Rd 33881 pastorjim.lrbc@gmail.com
RidgePoint Church Winter Haven (863) 965-2464 100 Hatfield Rd 33880-1324 info@ridgepointchurch.org
FBC Lake Alfred Lake Alfred (863) 956-1477 280 E Pierce St 33850-2830 fbclaoffice@gmail.com
FBC Dover Dover (813) 719-2273 3223 N Gallagher Rd 33527-4733
Alafia Baptist Church Lithia (813) 634-8845 222 Alafia Church Rd 33547-1206 abcchurchoffice@aol.com
Liberty Southern Plant City (813) 756-5040 2505 W Granfield Ave 33563-4612 mrichardfredette@gmail.com
Mt. Olive Baptist Church Plant City (813) 754-3834 604 W Ball St 33563-5306 mt.olive.baptistchurch@verizon.net
New City Church Plant City (813) 352-1162 105 E Baker St 33563-3403 newcitychurchofplantcity@gmail.com
FBC Bartow Bartow (863) 533-9055 410 E Church St 33830-3928 bartowfirst@fbcbartow.org
Carter’s Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 665-4756 4915 US Hwy 92 E 33801 cartersbaptist2@gmail.com
Christ Memorial Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 665-3148 2929 Hardin Combee Rd 33801-3015 cmbclakeland@aol.com
Faith Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 984-3610 8550 State Rd 33 N 33809-1730 drewwhitefbc@gmail.com
Faith Temple Progressive Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 934-2042 2821 Skyview Dr 33801-7077 Pastorfs3@gmail.com
Fuel Community Church Lakeland (863) 859-6444 7355 US Hwy 98 N 33809 mike@fuel.church
Kathleen Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 858-3836 3939 2nd St NW 33810 church@kathleenbaptist.com
Lakes Church Lakeland (863) 682-0163 1010 E Memorial Blvd 33801 PastorAaron@golakeschurch.com
Mt. Tabor Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 858-3608 3504 Mt. Tabor Rd 33810-0794 mtttabor@mymtbc.com
New Home Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 686-3943 901 N Galloway Rd 33810-2937 newhomebaptistchurch@yahoo.com
New Horizons Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 858-5865 11930 US 98 N 33810
Reynolds Road Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 667-0601 1135 Reynolds Rd 33801-6439 reynoldsroadbaptist@outlook.com
Webster Memorial Baptist Church Lakeland (863) 686-1828 1135 N Chestnut Rd 33805-3944 websterbaptist@aol.com
FBC Bushnell Bushnell (352) 793-4612 125 W Anderson Ave 33513-5921 churchoffice@fbcbushnell.org
Bayview Baptist Church Clearwater (727) 871-0547 825 Howard St 33756-2195 velscott8@aol.com/ scottdonald257@icloud.com
Calvary Baptist Church Clearwater (727) 441-1581 110 N Mcmullen Booth Rd 33759-4416 pastor@calvarybaptist.org
Indian Rocks FBC Largo (727) 595-3421 12685 Ulmerton Rd 33774-3603 membership@indianrocks.org
I. B. Hispana Tabernaculo de la Fe IBAHTFE New Port Richey (727) 845-7239 6510 Trouble Creek Rd 34653 ibahtfe@gmail.com, kito_98@hotmail.com
Ozona Community Church Palm Harbor (727) 784-3711 610 Pennsylvania Ave 34683 office@ozonacc.com
Gateway Baptist Church St Petersburg (727) 577-0407 7700 16th St N 33702-4015 pastorskipcook@gmail.com
Grace Community Church St Petersburg (727) 900-5173 The Child’s Park YMCA 33711 gracecc4life@gmail.com
New Covenant Baptist Church St. Petersburg (727) 244-9360 2611 5th Avenue S 33712
New Path Community St. Petersburg (727) 415-2999 3737 1st St NE 33704-1403 pastortrail.martin@newpathatlegacy.org
New Philadelphia Worship Center St. Petersburg (727) 866-2492 3501 37th St S 33711-4308 npministries13@gmail.com
Redeemer Baptist Church St. Petersburg (727) 864-2080 5995 Martin Luther King Dr S 33705 myrthiljoseph@yahoo.com
Bay Life Church Brandon (813) 661-3696 1017 Kingsway Rd 33510-2509 baylife@baylife.org
Bethel Haitian Baptist Church Brandon (813) 662-4141 602 S. Lenna Ave 33584-4730 Enjnicophene@gmail.com
FBC Brandon Brandon (813) 689-1204 216 N Parsons Ave 33510-4516 mark.penick@fbcbrandon.org
Parole Vivante Haitian Lehigh Acress (239) 440-9606 1019 Gratton Rd 33440-8434 bostonelusme@gmail.com
FBC Lutz Lutz (813) 949-7495 18116 US Hwy 41 N 33549-6479 stalley@lutzfbc.org
Idlewild Baptist Church Lutz (813) 264-1515 18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd 33548-4536 jevans@idlewild.org
Idlewild Spanish Lutz (813) 264-1515 18333 Exciting Idlewild Blvd 33548-4536 jevans@idlewild.org
North Pointe Church Lutz (813) 948-9420 19862 Amanda Park Drive 33559 kylie@thenpc.org
The Harbor Baptist Church Odessa (813) 920-9922 15612 Race Track Rd 33556-2922 office@theharborfl.org
South Hills Church Ruskins (813) 418-2922 5505 State Road 674 33598-3310 zelvis@mysouthhills.com
El Shaddai Baptist Church Seffner (813) 352-8002 1022 W Martin Luther King Blvd. 33584 preach_on3@hotmail.com
Assemblee de la Grace Tampa Tampa (813) 361-0969 5117 N 17th St 33610-4972 assemblee2002@yahoo.com
Belmont Baptist Church Tampa (813) 988-1501 7830 N 56th St 33617-8133 secretary@belmonttampa.org
Christ Fellowship, Tampa Tampa (813) 238-5673 300 E Sligh Ave 33604-5543 info@christfellowshiptampa.com
Church of the Way Tampa (813) 935-0738 1712 E Busch Blvd 33612-8612 ctw1712@gmail.com
Eben-Ezer Baptist Church Tampa (813) 223-1803 2706 N 9th St 33675-0589 jeand46@hotmail.com
Eglise Haitienne Gethsemane Tampa (813) 735-5172 6611 N 15th St 33610
El Bethel Baptist Church Tampa (813) 236-5964 6611 N 15th St 33610-3442
Exciting Central Tampa (813) 226-2923 2923 N Tampa St 33602-1431 zmckinon@centraltampa.org
First Baptist Church of New Tampa Tampa (813) 977-0273 14801 Livingston Ave 33559-3190
Grace & Mercy Haitian Baptist Church Tampa (813) 420-4622 5118 EAST 17th Ave 33619 charlesfilsl@yahoo.com
Highlands Pines First Missionary Baptist Church Tampa (813) 627-0338 4711 E 21st Ave 33605-2410 dianajlane@msn.com
Iglesia Bautista Amishalom Tampa (813) 908-9596 2717 W Hillsborough Ave 33614-6052 revluiscastro@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Bethel Tampa (813) 236-5964 6611 N 15th St 33610-3442
Iglesia Bautista Unidos en Cristo Tampa (813) 237-1490 1301 W Linebaugh Ave 33612-7755 ibuctampa@yahoo.com
Living Faith Baptist Fellowship Tampa (813) 884-8401 6400 N 15th St 33610-3405 admin@livingbyfaith.us
Manhattan Baptist Church Tampa (813) 831-1951 4300 S Manhattan Ave 33611-1304 info@manhattanbaptist.org
McFarlane Park Baptist Church Tampa (813) 876-9816 1606 N Lincoln Ave 33607-4235 iglesiabmp@yahoo.com
New Victory Baptist Church Tampa (813) 235-0944 8425 N 40th St 33604-2437 pastorc86@msn.com
No Greater Love Tampa (682) 308-4853 3015 S 75th St 33619-6415 lmouton58@icloud.com
Northgate Baptist Church Tampa (813) 933-6741 1301 W Linebaugh Ave 33612-7755 office@myngbc.com
Oak Park Baptist Church Tampa (813) 247-2689 4901 E 10th Ave 33605-4738
Open Arms Church of Ybor City Tampa (813) 453-5867 1314 E 18th Ave 33605-2560 pj@openarmschurch.org
Rebirth Missionary Baptist Tampa (813) 237-1924 1924 E Comanche Ave 33610-8226 rebirthmbchurch@verizon.net
Revelation Community Tampa (813) 399-0277 7225 E Chelsea St 33610-7237 Revelationlo@outlook.com
Harvest Baptist Fellowship Tampa (813) 443-0534 5902 N Himes Ave 33614-5726 brant@hbftampa.com
South Tampa Fellowship Tampa (813) 251-1515 97 W Biscayne Ave 33606 info@stfchurch.com
Temple Crest Haitian Baptist Tampa (813) 929-1587 3602 E Osborne Ave 33610-6540
The Crossing Church Tampa (813) 626-0783 10130 Tuscany Ridge DR 33619-5014 info@crossingonline.org
University Haitian Baptist Church Tampa (727) 768-9970 953 E 11th Ave. 33605 uhbc2003@gmail.com
West Broad Street Baptist Church Tampa (813) 886-4022 3809 W Broad St 33614-2605 wbsbctampa@gmail.com
West Shore Baptist Church Tampa (813) 289-9038 305 N Manhattan Ave 33609-2113 info@westshorebaptist.org
Mission Hill Baptist Church Temple Terrace (813) 988-1138 10002 N 56th St 33617-4022 djohnson@fbctt.org
Carmel Friendship Baptist Church Wesley Chapel (813) 991-1300 30081 Wells Rd 33545-3904 cfbcpastorq@gmail.com
Premiere Eglise Baptiste Haitienne Wimauma (813) 495-6435 14608 US Highway 301 South 33598 Ilovemychurch05@gmail.com
FBC Daytona Daytona Beach (386) 253-5691 10 First Baptist Parkway 32124 fbcinfo@firstbaptist.org
Iglesia Bautista Dios ES Bueno Daytona Beach (863) 241-5740 360 Walnut St 32114-3157 iglesiaevangelicadiosesbueno@gmail.com
Bella Vista Baptist Church Edgewater (386) 428-4747 3232 S Ridgewood Ave 32141 bellavistabc@gmail.com
FBC Flagler Beach Flagler Beach (386) 439-3834 300 N Central Ave 32136 office@fbcflaglerbeach.com
FBC Harbor Oaks Port Orange (386) 767-6062 5730 S Ridgewood Ave 32127-6442 firstbapistho@outlook.com
Stetson Baptist Church Deland (386) 734-1991 1025 W Minnesota Ave 32720-3108 glennd@stetsonbaptistchurch.org
River of Life Church Enterprise (386) 860-1234 130 Garfield Rd 32725-9516 rol@cfl.rr.com
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church New Smyrna Beach, (386) 426-0118 214 N Myrtle Ave 32168
Iglesia Bautista Cruz De Vida Oviedo (321) 945-0754 45 W Broadway St 32765 palberto@crosslifechurch.com
FBC Lake Monroe Sanford (407) 314-1461 691 Monroe Rd 32771 lakemonroe1stbaptist@msn.com
Westview Baptist Church Sanford (407) 323-0523 4100 H E Thomas Jr Parkway 32771 office@westviewbaptist.org
Central Baptist Church, Sanford Sanford (407) 322-2914 3101 W State Road 46 32771-8844 office@centralsanford.net

FBC Cape Canvaral Cape Canvaral (321) 783-5798 8711 N Atlantic Ave 32920 scamick@cfl.rr.com
FBC Clearlake Cocoa (321) 636-0861 1640 Minnie St 32926-5538 clearlakefbc@bellsouth.net
FBC Cocoa Cocoa (321) 636-2868 750 Brevard Ave 32922-7810 office@cocoabaptist.org
Calvary Baptist Church Grant (321) 724-1594 5640 Old Dixie Hwy 32949 gregparsley51@gmail.com
FBC Malabar Malabar (321) 723-1602 1665 Malabar Rd 32950-0027 office@malabarbaptist.org
FBC Eau Gallie Melbourne (321) 254-2339 1501 W Eau Gallie Blvd 32935-5335 churchoffice@egfirst.org
FBC Melbourne Melbourne (321) 723-0561 3301 Dairy Rd 32904-7603 scott@fbcmel.org
Lake Washington Fellowship Church Melbourne (321) 254-9860 4050 Lake Washington Rd 32934-7657 lakewashingtonfellowship@yahoo.com
True Life Church Melbourne (386) 337-2267 2190 Sarno Road 32935 musicman735@yahoo.com
FBC Merritt Island Merritt Island (321) 453-2144 140 Magnolia Ave 32952-4816 fbcmi.online@yahoo.com
Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas Palm Bay (321) 872-4901 1810 Cedar St 32955 peoplelearningusa@gmail.com
LifePoint Church Palm Bay (321) 723-4781 1420 Sportsman Lane NE 32905 church@lifepointpb.com
Mount of Olives Evangelical Church Palm Bay (816) 277-9560 6165 BABCOCK ST SE 32909-4208 mountofolivesebc@gmail.com
FBC Titusville Titusville (321) 267-7125 303 Main St 32796 fbctitusville@gmail.com
Gateway Baptist Church Titusville (321) 267-7064 2801 Tropic St 32796-3168 office@gatewaycommunity.church
The Grove Church Titusville (321) 289-5501 1450 Harrison St 32780 dustin@thegrovechurchfl.org
Hibernia Espanol Fleming Island (904) 529-8944 7100 Hwy 17 S 32003-9318 hiberniachurchstaff@gmail.com
Glen Baptist Church Glen St. Mary (904) 259-6977 9846 George Taber Blvd 32040-4807 beverly@glenbaptist.org
Cedar Bay Baptist Jacksonville (904) 757-5020 11553 N Main St 32218-4002 office@cedarbaybaptist.com
Chets Creek Church Jacksonville (904) 223-5954 4420 Hodges Blvd 32224-5200 heather@chetscreek.com
Coastal Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 221-6529 750 Girvin Rd 32225-3025 coastalbaptist@gmail.com
Deermeadows Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 642-2200 9780 Baymeadows Rd 32256-7985 mcarnicelli@deermeadows.org
Dunns Creek Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 757-0343 1425 Starratt Rd 32218-1445 vivian@dunnscreekbaptist.com
Duval Station Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 751-4967 13734 Lyle Rd 32218 duvalstation@att.net
FBC Jacksonvile Jacksonville (904) 356-6077 125 W Ashley Street 32202-3104 info@fbcjax.com
Gardenview Batist Church Jacksonville (904) 768-9447 3139 Armsdale Rd 32218-3015 office@gardenviewjax.com
Genesis Missionary Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 389-2923 241 McDuff Ave S 32254-3983 genesismission@bellsouth.net
Great Harvest Missionary Jacksonville (904) 591-5786 9319 Ridge Blvd 32208-1239 greathmbc@gmail.com
Highlands Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 751-3500 2159 Broward Rd 32218-5345 highlandsbaptist@bellsouth.net
Hollyford Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 571-5106 150 Ford Ave 32218-6071 atababy@msn.com
Hope Baptist Church Jacksonville 826 Reynolds Ln 32254-2938
Jesus Christ Community Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 219-2652 918 Ionia St 32206 lindaboo02@bellsouth.net
Oceanway Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 757-1181 212 Sago Ave 32218 fbcoceanway@bellsouth.net
Morning Glory Jacksonville (904) 887-2929 10962 Bonnelly Dr 32218 jolly40@yahoo.com
Pecan Park Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 410-9164 162 Park Ave 32218-1466 ppbcpastorscott@gmail.com
Premiere Englise Baptiste Haitianne Jacksonville 705 S McDuff Ave 32205 ocoulanges1@yahoo.com
Providence Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 647-6830 7137 Cisco Gardens Rd 32219-2750 ProvidenceatWestJax@gmail.com
Redemption Church Jacksonville (904) 781-7574 2000 Lane Ave S 32210 info@redemptionjax.church
San Jose Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 737-2141 6140 San Jose Blvd 32217-2335 glacey@sanjosebaptist.com
Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 353-8829 1118 W Beaver St 32204 hbcharlesjr@smbcjax.com
Springhill Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 696-6464 11046 Harts Rd 32218 holy18@earthlink.net
Unity Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 757-1710 12156 Pulaski Rd 32218 office@unitybaptistjax.com
Vision Church Jacksonville (904) 610-5072 16485 N Main St 32218 safawe@hotmail.com
Westside Baptist Church Jacksonville (904) 781-0618 7775 Herlong Rd 32210-2527 stephanie@wbcjax.com
Iglesia Bautista Neptune Neptune Beach (904)534-1731 407 3rd St 32266-5110 victor@neptunebaptist.org
Neptune Baptist Church Neptune Beach (904) 249-2307 407 3rd St 32266-5110
FBC Orange Park Orange Park (904) 264-2351 1140 Kingsley Ave 32073-4622 firstbaptist@firstfam.org
FBC Callahan Callahan (904) 879-2172 45090 Green Ave 32011-0605 fbcc@callahanfbc.org
Amelia Baptist Church Fernandina Beach (904) 261-9527 961167 Buccaneer Trl 32034-5352 office@ameliabaptist.org
FBC Fernandina Fernandina Beach 1600 S 8th St 32034-3063 danbeckwith@fbfirst.com
FBC Hilliard Hilliard (904) 845-3614 15850 County Rd 108 32046-6711 FBCHILLIARD@gmail.com
Black Rock Baptist Church Yulee (904) 261-6220 96362 Blackrock Rd 32097-3501 office@blackrockbaptist.org
Exchange Church Yulee (904) 316-9571 550 Curiosity Ave 32097-0036 toddc@exchangechurch.net
Mercy Hill Baptist Church Yulee (904) 225-0777 85520 Miner Rd 32097 info@mercyhillfl.com
Yulee Baptist Church Yulee (904) 225-5128 85971 N Harts Rd 32097-3894 info@yuleebaptist.com
FBC Bunnell Bunnell (386) 437-3364 2301 Commerce Parkway 32110 office@fbcbunnell.org
Flagler West Community Bunnell (386) 437-3619 3740 County Rd 305 32110 edeucykedu@yahoo.com
Refuge Bible Fellowship Bunnell (828) 292-6484 2323 North State St 32110 refugebiblefellowship@gmail.com
Slavic Baptist Church Bunnell (386) 383-7227 7855 S US Highway 1 32110 mpmarchenko@gmail.com
FBC Crescent City Crescent City (386) 698-1578 101 S Summit St 32112-0728 ccfirstbaptist@aol.com
Iglesia Jesucristo es mi Refugio Crescent City (386) 559-4889 139 Church St 32122 saul64.ss@gmail.com
South Putnam Church Crescent City (386) 546-5322 114 Amos Rd 32112-3904 southputnamchurch@windstream.net
Crossroad Community East Palatka (386) 326-1177 117 Pine Tree Rd 32131 crossroadcommunity@gmail.com
Oak Ave Baptist Church Florahome (386) 659-2981 404 N Oak Ave 32140-0307 cdandbm@windstream.net
Decoy Baptist Church Green Cove Springs (904) 284-8101 671 Decoy Rd 32043-8124 decoybaptistchurch@gmail.com
FBC Hastings Hastings (904) 692-1563 109 N Main St 32145-0077 fbchastings@windstream.net
Mt Olive Baptist Church Hastings (904) 692-1995 8250 County Rd 13 S 32145-0355 mobc.DBohannon@gmail.com
Woodlawn Baptist Church Hawthorne (352) 481-3652 818 County Rd 20A 32640-5830 bqueen@bellsouth.net
Dunham Wood Baptist Church Hollister (386) 312-9929 151 Hoover Rd 32147-0094 dwbc@att.net
FBC Interlachen Interlachen (386) 684-4573 115 N County Road 315 32148 fbcinterlachen@gmail.com
Calvary Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-9606 3005 S Palm Ave 32177-6333 calv1942@att.net
College Park Baptist Church Palatka (386) 325-7991 3435 Crill Ave 32177-9150 collegeparkbc@bellsouth.net
FBC Palatka Palatka (386) 328-1531 501 Oak St 32177-0130 firstbaptistpalatka@gmail.com
Francis Baptist Church Palatka (386) 325-1717 155 County Rd 309c 32177-8906 francisbc@francisbaptistchurch.org
Hillcrest Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-6514 2009 President St 32177 secretary@hillcrestlife.org
Life Church Palatka (386) 325-5421 2701 Reid St 32177-2738 office@lifechurchpalatka.com
Midway Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-8423 158 Bardin Rd 32177-8724
Providence Baptist Church Palatka (386) 325-4962 141 N Providence Church Rd 32177-8203 ProvidenceBap435@bellsouth.net
River Road Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-1035 344 W River Rd 32177 dlindsay716@yahoo.com
Southside Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-0764 2920 Browns Landing Road 32177-8412 angie.giddens@southsidebc.org
Trinity Baptist Church Palatka (386) 328-6853 5021 Silver Lake Dr 32177-7982 trinitypalatka1948@gmail.com
Parkview Baptist Church Palm Coast (386) 445-5440 5435 Belle Terre Pkwy 32137 finance@parkviewlife.com
FBC Pomona Park Pomona Park (386) 649-4265 112 Holly Ave 32181-0505 brogary@bellsouth.net
FBC San Mateo San Mateo (386) 328-1377 160 E State Rd 100 32187-0056 secretaryfbcsanmat@att.net
Anastasia Baptist Church St Augustine (904) 471-2166 1650 A1A S 32080-5464 abc@anastasiachurch.org
Crescent Beach Baptist Church St Augustine (904) 794-7777 885 State Rd 206 E 32086 crescentbeach1@msn.com
Grace Community Church St Augustine (904) 808-8558 7040 US 1 N 32095-8301
FBC Welaka Welaka (386) 467-3251 638 Third Ave 32193-0069 welakafbc@gmail.com
Centro Cristiano Restauracion Vero Beach (772) 501-0162 51 Old Dixie Hwy 32962 vadou1305@yahoo.com

Lake Asbury BC Green Cove Springs (904) 282-7079 2674 Henley Rd 32043-9538 admin@labcfamily.org
Russell Baptist Church Green Cove Springs (904) 284-3951 2299 Sandridge Rd 32043-9599 info@russellbaptistchurch.com
Black Pond Baptist Church Middleburg (904) 282-5718 3644 Old Jennings Rd 32068-3734 blackpondbaptist@att.net
Living Hope Baptist Church Middleburg (904) 612-7600 5545 Carter Spencer Rd 32068 carsongatch@bellsouth.net
Calvary Haitian Baptist Church Orange Park (904) 444-3061 922 Blanding Blvd Unit 2 32065 dr.louisjean@yahoo.com
Faith Baptist Church Tallahassee (850) 877-6511 3333 Apalachee Pkwy 32311-5301 fbc@faithbaptisttally.org
FBC Tallahassee Tallahassee (850) 222-5470 108 W College Ave 32301-7708 info@fbctlh.org
FBC Wakulla Station Crawfordville (850) 421-6223 945 Woodville Hwy 32327-0706 fbcws6223@gmail.com
FBC Panacea Panacea 38 Otter Lake Rd 32346
New Destiny Baptist Church Qunicy (850) 627-4987 906 E Jefferson St 32351 cfsalem3@gmail.com
FBC Quincy Qunicy (850) 627-9688 210 W Washington St 32351 fbcq@tds.net
Thomas Memorial Baptist Church Qunicy (850) 627-8152 1001 W Washington St 32351 contact@tmbcquincy.com
Mt. Paran Baptist Church Branford (386) 935-2995 707 NE CR 450 32008 bonnie1676@windstream.net
Riverside Baptist Church Branford (386) 935-3935 10760 NW 5th Ave 32008-7025 riversidebaptistchurch@windstream.net
Brewer Lake Baptist Church Day (386) 294-1578 231 NW Fulton St 32013-0119 secretary@brewerlake.org
Grace Baptist Church Mayo (386) 935-9395 5196 SE US Hwy 27 32066 grandmaw49@windstream.net
Midway Baptist Church Mayo (386) 935-4993 3407 SE County Rd 405 32066-0438
New Hope Baptist Church Mayo (386) 294-2837 1370 N State Rd 51 32066-4164 nhbcrocks@gmail.com
The Journey Church Mayo (352) 294-1350 796 W Main St 32066-4127 wayne@thejourneymayo.com
Morriston Baptist Church Morriston (352) 528-4080 3141 SE US Hwy 41 32668-3357 office@morristonbaptist.org
Anthony Baptist Church Anthony (352) 732-5600 2551 NE 98th St 32617-0267 anthonyfbc@embarqmail.com
FBC Citra Citra (352) 595-7300 18280 N US Hwy 301 32113
FBC Ft. McCoy Ft. McCoy (352) 236-2543 11350 NE Hwy. 316 32134-0480
Fellowship Baptist Church Ocala (352) 629-5379 10500 N US Hwy 27 34482 fellowshipinocala@gmail.com
Oak Griner Baptist Church Ocala (352) 622-8625 6422 NE Jacksonville Rd 34479-1338 mail@oakgriner.org
FBC Salt Springs Salt Springs (352) 685-2364 24100 NE Hwy 314 32134-6249 FBCSaltSprings@gmail.com
Ocklawaha Bridge Baptist Church Silver Spring (352) 625-2492 14100 E Hwy 40 34488-3930 pastorjaredbuchanan@gmail.com
FBC Belleview Belleview (352) 245-9106 6107 SE Agnew Rd 34420-4101 church@fbcbelleview.org
Greenville Baptist Church Greenvile (850) 948-2353 1365 SW Main St 32331-0027 greenvillebc@embarqmail.com
Beulah Baptist Church Lee (850) 971-5897 1258 NE Beulah Church Rd 32059
FBC Lee Lee (850) 971-5280 8157 E US Hwy 90 32059-4777 leefirstbaptist@embarqmail.com
Midway Baptist Church Lee (352) 314-3080 32707 Blossom Ln 34788-3925 MidwayBaptistoffice@aol.com
Faith Baptist Church Madison (850) 973-2547 134 SW Meeting Ave 32340 1stbaptistoffice@gmail.com
Fellowship Baptist Church Madison (850) 973-3266 1997 NE Colin Kelly Hwy 32340 info@fellowshipofmadison.com
Hopewell Baptist Church Madison (850) 973-6681 4611 SW County Road 360 32340-4868 bapadgett@gmail.com
Morning Star Baptist Church Madison (850) 253-2446 373 SE Booker St 32340-3140 morningstarbaptist@earthlink.net
Mt Olive Baptist Church Madison (850) 973-2469 323 NE Jay St 32340 ragansfarm@comcast.net
Airline Baptist Church Mayo (386) 294-2676 200 NE County Rd 354 32066-1450 airlinepastor@gmail.com
Bethel Creek Baptist Church Mayo (386) 688-0338 8945 NW County Rd 53 32066 ashmorgan333@gmail.com
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Mayo (386) 294-1306 816 SW County Rd 351 32066-3605
Mayo Baptist Church Mayo (386) 294-1020 916 North Fletcher Ave. 32066-0087 mayobaptistchurch@windstream.net
Elizabeth Baptist Church Monticello (850) 997-8444 4124 Bassett Dairy Rd 32344-4946 secretary@ebcmonticello.com
FBC Pinetta Pinetta 10285 NE Colin Kelly Hwy 32350-0117
Concord Baptist Church Greenville (229) 251-5693 829 NW Concord Church Rd 32331-4908 joniford@lowndes.k12.ga.us
FBC Brooker Brooker (352) 485-1875 17197 Bradford Ave 32622 bbc@brookerbaptist.org
FBC Keystone Heights Keystone Heights (352) 473-7201 550 E Walker Dr 32656-9327 contact@fbckeystone.org
Trinity Baptist Church Keystone Heights (352) 473-7261 3716 SE State Rd 21 32656-1099 trinitybc@trinitybc.org
FBC Alachua Alachua (386) 462-1337 14005 NW 146th Ave 32616-0097 church@fbcalachua.com
Forest Grove Baptist Church Alachua (386) 462-3921 22575 NW 94th Ave 32615-7111 forestgrove@windstream.net
Countryside Baptist Church Gainesville (352) 332-1493 10926 NW 39th Ave 32606-4925 secretary@cbcgainesville.net
FBC Gainesville Gainesville (352) 376-4681 14105 NW 39th Ave 32606-4724 elizabeth.byrd@fbcgainesville.net
Faith Tabernacle Gainesville (352) 372-0024 1724 SE 2nd Ave 32641-7206 faithtabernaclem@yahoo.com
Gainesville Gospel Gainesville (704) 338-2399 9325 W Newberry Rd 32608 gainesvillegospelchinesechurch@gmail.com
Oaks Park Baptist Church Gainesville (352) 372-2730 4610 SW Archer Rd 32608-2233 Theoakschurchgainesville@gmail.com
Pine Grove Baptist Church Gainesville (352) 376-4052 4200 NW 39th Ave 32606-6118 pcbc1904@gmail.com
River Cross Baptist Church Gainesville (352) 378-9793 5100 SW 91st Terr 32608 dwpattersonsr@gmail.com
FBC High Springs High Springs (386) 454-1505 20112 N US Hwy 441 32643-9370 myoung@fbchighsprings.org
FBC Micanopy Micanopy (352) 545-7025 709 NE 1st Street 32667 janburnh@bellsouth.net
FBC Waldo Waldo (352) 468-1721 14370 Kennard St 32694 revjimwaldo@aol.com
New Macedonia Baptist Church Greenville (850) 294-1036 5240 SW US 221 32331 dgmuskie58@gmail.com
Santa Fe Baptist Church Alachua (386) 462-7541 7505 NW County Rd 236 32615-3751 santafebaptistchurch@outlook.com
Shiloh Baptist Church Fort White (386) 454-4978 173 SW Shiloh St 32038 earltuten@windstream.net
Church on the Way Lake City (386) 530-4781 196 SE James Ave 32025-8016 dale@thewaylc.com
Evergreen Baptist Church Lake City (386) 361-1325 2509 224th St 32024
Huntsville Baptist Church Lake City (386) 752-2089 5720 NW Lake Jeffery Rd 32055-9059
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Lake City (386) 752-5277 1205 SW Mt Carmel Ave 32024 pastorbo@mcb.church
Parkview Baptist Church Lake City (386) 752-5277 1205 SW Mt Carmel Ave 32024 pastorbo@mcb.church
Pine Grove Baptist Church Lake City 1444 SE County Rd 18 32024
The Journey of La Esperanza Lake City (386) 755-2425 131 NW Spring Hollow Blvd 32055-8162 wethington.mary@yahoo.com
Clayland Baptist Church Live Oak (386) 776-2638 11409 193rd Rd 32060-5541
Lulu Baptist Church Lulu (386) 269-2501 160 SE Gillen Terr 32061-7536
Corinth Baptist Church Jasper (386) 938-4752 7318 SW 37th Ter 32052-5250 tburnett@corinthchristianacademy.net
Friendship Baptist Live Oak (386) 776-1010 14364 140th St 32060-6507
Mt. Gilead Baptist Church Live Oak (386) 362-3782 18305 56th St 32060-8713 Pegpyles@gmail.com
O’Brien Baptist Church O’Brien (386) 935-1503 9544 E County Rd 349 32071 obrienbaptist@windstream.net
FBC Live Oak Live Oak (386) 362-1583 401 Howard St W 32064-2307 firstbaptistchurch@fbcliveoak.org
Blue Creek Baptist Church Perry (850) 578-2598 21070 Beach Rd 32348-8226 bluecreekatthebeaches@gmail.com
Crosspoint Baptist Church Perry (850) 584-2732 601 E Lafayette St 32347 info@cornerstonecc.com
FBC Perry Perry (850) 584-5441 920 N. Courtney Rd 32347 sharon.scheetz@cpbf.info
San Pedro Baptist Church Perry (850) 584-2061 4420 San Pedro Rd 32347
Salem Baptist Church Salem (850) 584-2933 10400 Fish Creek Rd 32356-0167 iris6086@fairpoint.net

FBC Islamorada Islamorada (305) 664-4910 81201 Overseas Hwy 33036 info@fbcislamorada.org
FBC Key Largo Key Largo (305) 451-2265 99001 Overseas Hwy 33037-4210 fbckl@terranova.net
FBC Big Coppitt Key West (305) 294-4118 200 Avenue F 33040-5453 bcfbc1971@gmail.com
FBC Marathon Marathon (305) 743-8889 200 62nd St Ocean 33050-1603 seascience75@icloud.com
First Haitian Baptist Church Coral Springs (754) 484-0416 3425 NW 99th Way 33065-2722 d_poinson@yahoo.com
New Life Baptist Church Davie (954) 423-3933 2400 S Pine Island Rd 33324-5714 office@newlifeindavie.com
Eglise Missionary Jehovah Shamma Deerfield Beach (954) 709-4127 1250 SE 6th Ave 33442 jeanetienne2010@yahoo.com
Eglise Baptist de la Revelation Divine Fort Lauderdale (954) 266-9078 3090 NW 7th St 33311 madsenjeanphilippe@yahoo.com
El Shaddai Missionary Baptist Fort Lauderdale 4701 NW 11th Ave 33309 nordelus01@yahoo.com
Living Water Community Church Fort Lauderdale (954) 583-9283 1501 Riverland Rd 33312-3929 info@lwccftl.com
Renaissance Evangelical Baptist Fort Lauderdale (954) 769-1165 3741 W Broward Blvd 33312-1015 wilsonfils61@yahoo.com
Transformation Evangelical Church Fort Lauderdale (754) 214-6482 3520 W Broward Blvd #215 33312 elductan@gmail.com
Philadelphia Haitian Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale (954) 607-0842 2836 NW 10th Ct 33311 phbchurch87@gmail.com
Hope Life Ministry Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale (754) 422-3867 2090 NW 26th Ave 33312 pierre.veronel@hotmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Canaan Fort Lauderdale (954) 825-1158 1501 Riverland Rd 33312-3929 arias121962@hotmail.com
Stirling Road Spanish Baptist Church Fort Lauderdale (954) 583-7362 4907 Stirling Rd 33314-6419 iglesiastirling@bellsouth.net
Potential Church, Cooper City Hallandale Beach (954) 434-1500 12401 Stirling Rd 33330-3211 matt.jacobs@potentialchurch.com
Galilee Community Church Hollywood (954) 624-5840 200 N 46th Ave 33021 vadou1305@yahoo.com
Hollywood Community Church Hollywood (954) 322-4302 1708 N 60th Ave 33021
Iglesia Real Hollywood (954) 448-5057 2640 Washington St 33020 martvarg1@gmail.com
Metropolitan Baptist Church Hollywood (954) 963-0634 7200 Davie Rd Extension 33024-2455 info@MetroBC.US
Eglise Evangelique Baptiste Nazareth Lauderhill (954) 735-8877 1551 NW 47 Ave 33313-6128 eglisenazareth99@gmail.com
Atlantic Baptist Church Margate (954) 974-8900 4850 W Atlantic Blvd 33063-5354 abccr@netzero.net
Reconciliation Haitian Baptist Margate (954) 968-5264 1870 N State Rd 7 33063 fbereconciled@aol.com
Christ Way Baptist Church Miramar (954) 442-7477 3800 S Douglas Rd 33025-3201 info@cbcmiramar.com
Eglise Baptiste Pierre Angulaire North Lauderdale (954) 934-3145 5460 N State Road 7 Ste 130 33319-2952 riffeldurosier@yahoo.fr
Eglise Evangelique de  Divinite Oakland Park (754) 234-9738 152 NE 33rd St 33334 georgesc582@gmail.com
Haitian Fellowship Oakland Park (954) 663-2799 4523 NW 31st Ave 33309-3403 lamourj@comcast.net
Worship Centernof Good Samaritan Oakland Park (954) 673-0767 4523 NW 31st Ave Oakland Park Blvd 33309 bnuma@yahoo.com
Celebration Internatinal Church Pembroke Pines (954) 446-7533 200 N. Douglas Rd 33024 izfran16@gmail.com
Iglesia La Familia de Dios Pembroke Pines (954) 607-0857 1101 SW 49th Ave 33317-4413 rafnoriega@att.net
Oasis Church Pembroke Pines (954) 433-4838 12201 SW 14th St 33025-3778 info@visitoasis.org
Comunidad de Parkland Plantation (954) 825-1158 5600 Coral Ridge Dr 33076 arias121962@hotmail.com
FBC Plantation Plantation (954) 583-1920 150 NW 46th Ave 33317 office@fbcplantation.org
Mount of Olive Plantation (816) 277-9560 6165 BABCOCK ST SE 32909-4208 mountofolivesebc@gmail.com
Evangelical Baptist Triumph Church Pompano Beach (954) 732-3377 1030 E Sample Rd 33064-5120 Delivest55@yahoo.com
FBC Pompano Beach Pompano Beach (954) 745-6100 138 NE 1st St 33060-6604 fbcpomp@attibi.com
First Brazilian Pompano Pompano Beach (954) 783-0119 1103 NE 33rd St 33064-5226 igreja@pibflorida.org
First United Evangelical Haitian Pompano Beach (561) 305-6640 3260 NW 23rd Ave Ste 800 E 33069 jeanpierrejoel@yahoo.com
Grace Baptist Church Pompano Beach (954) 421-0190 501 NE 48th St 33064 pastor@gbcfl.org
Iglesia Bautista De Pompano Beach Pompano Beach (954) 785-3164 101 SW 17th St 33060-9126 pastorgoffman@hotmail.com
New Hope Brazilian Baptist Church Pompano Beach (954) 422-0704 4301 N Federal Highway #6 33064 emanuelruca@hotmail.com
Comunidad Biblica Bautista Southwest Ranches (754) 246-3142 13900 Griffin Road 33330 pastor.comunidad.bc@gmail.com
Baptist Church of Bethlehem Sunrise (954) 937-3870 NW 44 th St, 33351 Oframetelus@gmail.com
Grace Connection Church Sunrise (754) 422-3062 13295 SW 268th St 33032 drvoltaire1@gmail.com
Mt Hermon Community Church Sunrise (954) 792-4274 1171 Sunset Strip 33313 mounthermoncbc@gmail.com
Siloem Evangelical Church of Jesus Sunrise (561) 420-7700 7804A NW 44th St 33313 wnaissance@yahoo.com
The Real Life Church Sunrise (754) 333-1162 3848 N University Dr 33351-6315 info@reallifesfl.church
The Redeemer’s Place Weston (954) 646-1796 3859 Oak Ridge Cir 33331-3702 joeg@theredeemersplace.com
Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church Cutler Bay (305) 251-5753 10701 SW 184th St 33157
Vida Real Church Davie (786) 231-4609 21011 Johnson St 33029-1915 wwilliams@ibvidareal.org
Iglesia Bautista Doral Doral (786) 429-1735 8041 NW 14th St 33126-1611 secretaria@ibdoral.com
New Hope Missionary Church Doral (786) 429-1735 8041 NW 14th St 33126-1611 secretaria@ibdoral.com
Iglesia Bautista Bethel Hialeah (786) 360-1001 3805 W 8th Ave 33012-4222 iglesia-bethel@hotmail.com
FBC Hialeah Hialeah (305) 885-2731 631 E 1st Ave 33012 firstbaptistchurchofhialeah@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Northside Hialeah (305) 885-7389 1200 W 4th Ave 33010-3826 ibautistanorthside@gmail.com
Primera Iglesia Bautista de Hialeah Hialeah (305) 362-8329 1650 W 68th St 33014-4435 mapjesus1@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Maranatha Hialeah (305) 819-7016 1631 W 38th Pl #1505A 33012 maranatha572@yahoo.com
West Hialeah Baptist Hialeah (305) 698-0411 3195 W 7th Ave 33012
Iglesia Bautista Estrella de Belen Hialeah (305) 696-1243 510 E 41st St 33013 iglesiabautistaestrelladebelen@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Horeb Hialeah (305) 821-3632 795 W 68th St 33014-4814 iglesia@ibhoreb.org
Iglesia Vertical Miami Hialeah (786) 529-2041 7801 NW 178th St 33015 israel@verticalmiami.org
Core Community, Homestead Homestead (305) 247-6544 1955 N. Krome Ave. 33030 info@rchomestead.org
FBC Homestead Homestead (305) 247-1662 29050 SW 177th Ave 33030 fbchoffice@bellsouth.net
Haitian Evangelical Baptist of Homestead Homestead (305) 401-3857 344 West Mowry Dr 33030 reggyj2002@yahoo.fr
Movement Church Homestead (786) 410-5665 239 W MOWRY DR 33030-5801 corey@moveccc.org
Iglesia Bautista  Betania Homestead (305) 248-4512 15300 SW 288th St 33031 admin@iglesiabetania.us
Decided Church Medley (305) 418-0403 7400 NW S River Dr Ste B-2 33166 info@decidedchurch.org
Lighthouse Miami Beach (305) 281-8094 709 Alton Rd 33139-5521 lightsobe@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Poder de Dios Miami Beach (305) 223-6967 2816 Sheridan Ave 33175 vpalacio@bellsouth.net
Iglesia Bautista Mahanaim Miami Gardens (305) 746-1638 4391 NW 167th St 33055 sardinasismael@yahoo.com
Iglesia Misionera Miami Garden Miami Gardens (305) 606-3720 4283 NW 167th St 33055 efeliz1@hotmail.com
Parkway Baptist Church Miami Gardens (305) 621-8491 18000 NW 18th Ave 33056-3810 pway1800@gmail.com
The Rock Fellowship Church Miami Lakes (786) 382-3736 2045 NW 186th St 33056-2712 djones@rockfellowshipfl.org
New Testament Baptist Church Miami (305) 822-7690 6601 NW 167th St 33015 info@newtestbaptist.org
Ministerio Bautista Juan 3:16 Miami (786) 344-5025 10210 NW 80th Ave 33016 pastorGustavoPerez@outlook.com
God of Deliverance Baptist Church Miami (305) 308-5811 13525 Memorial Hwy 33161 lathouriste@gmail.com
Global Church Miami Miami (305) 620-5111 17701 NW 57th Ave 33055-3530 info@globalchurch.me
True Love Praide and Worship Miami (786) 285-2924 640 NW 183rd St 33169-4470
Cristo Unica Esperanza Miami (786) 290-4217 6566 SW 33rd St 33155
Iglesia Bautista Getsemani Miami (305) 448-3099 5298 NW 7th St 33126-3327 felipe@iglesiagetsemani.com
Iglesia Bautista Renovacion Cristriana Miami (305) 461-0051 50 NW 51st Pl 33126-5048 holybible33140@yahoo.com
Primera Iglesia Bautista  Shalom Miami (786) 290-4217 400 NW 73rd Ave 33126 moises196774@gmail.com
Trinity Evangelical Miami (305) 815-2923 1735 NE 180 St 33162
Greater Mercy Missionary Baptist Church Miami (305) 372-0966 1135 NW 3rd Ave 33136-2516 williams5175@bellsouth.net
Love Unlimited Miami (305) 900-4599 604 NW 12th Ave 33136 mark@loveunltd.com
Mt. Zion Evangelical Miami (786) 487-7440 6720 NE 5th Ave 33138-5611 ccmountzion1@yahoo.com
New Vision Emmanuel Baptist Miami (305) 751-4955 7321 NE 2nd Ave 33138-5309 info@newvisionmiami.com
Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem Miami (786) 409-2022 2495 NW 23rd St 33142-7272 mirzagalindo60@hotmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Nueva Esperanza Miami (305) 273-7129 12313 SW 112th St 33186-4822
Iglesia Bautista Nazareth Miami (305) 285-0683 2225 SW 17th Ave 33145-3801 publicacionesnazaret@yahoo.com
Iglesia Bautista Resurreccion Miami (305) 854-6190 2323 SW 27th Ave 33145-3641 pastorsamuelci@gmail.com
Emmaus Baptist Church Miami (305) 244-3662 840 NW 100th St 33150-1533 emmausparadise@yahoo.com
Faith Community Miami (305) 691-3200 10401 NW 8th Ave 33150-1010 faithcommunity2@comcast.net
Temple Morija Miami (305) 751-6109 14851 NW 7th Ave 33168 louistssnt@yahoo.com
The Brooks Church Miami (305) 582-8645 495 NW 77th St 33150 muche@thebrookmiami.org
Fraternidad Cristana Miami (305) 823-3286 140 E 7th St 33010-4412 rugsalcedo@hotmail.com
One Family Church Miami (786) 384-1609 2861 SW 69th Ct 33155-2829 drisraelmontealegre@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Betesda Miami (786) 426-4824 7855 SW 104th St Ste 220 33156 melendezcruz@yahoo.com
Wayside Baptist Church Miami (305) 595-6550 7701 SW 98th St 33156-2634 jorge@waysidemiami.org
Iglesia Bautista McCall Miami (786) 494-6050 18880 SW 114th Ave 33157-7516 hmatoslegra@yahoo.es
South Miami Height Haitian Miami 17201 SW 103 Avenue 33157 emmanuelsouth@ymail.com;


Primera Iglesia Bautista Coral Park Miami (305) 559-0241 8755 SW 16th St 33165-7801 zachy@coralpark.org
New Maranatha Evangelical Miami (786) 210-2701 940 NW 144th St 33168-3026 cenatusjean77@yahoo.com
Cornerstone Haitian Church Miami (786) 484-4589 11629 NW 7th Avenue 33168 fleutjusteesnel@gmail.com
Northwest Baptist Miami (305) 685-6307 951 NW 136th St 33168-6728 snay@nwbm.org
First Born Again Baptist Church Miami (954) 818-6365 15395 N Miami Ave 33169-6736 Firstbornagain@yahoo.fr
Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer Miami (305) 818-0121 19101 NW 5th Ave 33169 rev.mena@live.com
Iglesia Bautista Turning Point Miami (786) 242-8722 3350 SW 144th Ave 33175-7414 info@tpbcmiami.org
Riverside Baptist Church, Miami Miami (305) 595-0542 10775 SW 104th St 33176-8165 mail@riversideonline.org
Iglesia Bautista Adonai Miami (305) 968-2412 11948 SW 8th St 33184 hombrefiel_53@hotmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Leon de Juda Miami (305) 775-6274 50 NW 51st Pl 33126-5048 leondejuda2014@yahoo.com
Iglesia Kendall Miami (786) 488-0764 12515 SW 72nd St 33183 guillermo@ibkendall.net
Grace Connection church Miami (305) 515-0522 10200 SW 107th Ave 33176-2761 drvoltaire1@gmail.com
Evangelique Philadelphie Baptist Church Miami (305) 773-2192 1000 NW 111th St 33168-6042 philadelphiechurch@yahoo.com
Grace of God Baptist Church Miami (305) 259-1929 11000 SW 216th St 33170-3043 graceofgodbaptist@att.net
New Life Chapel Miami (305) 234-8907 22145 S Dixie Hwy 33170-2840 pastortommie@gmail.com
Mi Ebenezer Miami (305) 818-0121 19101 NW 5th Ave 33169 rev.mena@live.com
Evangelical Primitive North Miami Beach (786) 659-3369 15395 N Miami Ave 33169-6736 kellyjacques1126@yahoo.com
Eglise Evangelique Baptiste de Galilee, Inc North Miami Beach (954) 744-6979 267 NE 166th Street 33162 evchurchofgalilee09@yahoo.com
St Andrews Baptist Church Opa-Locka (305) 688-3510 2010 Lincoln Ave 33054
Christ Fellowship, Palmetto Bay Campus Palmetto Bay (305) 238-1818 8900 SW 168th St 33157-4569 info@cfmiami.org
Iglesia Bautista Ebenezer Belle Glade (561) 441-9155 224 NW Ave G 33430 marlon_browne@outlook.com
Boca Glades Baptist Church Boca Raton (561) 445-8250 9045 La Fontana Blvd Ste 106 33434
Agape Univision Baptist Church Boynton Beach (561) 503-3924 424 SW 9th Ave 33435 louisnydorcin6@gmail.com
Maranatha Haitian Baptist Church Boynton Beach (561) 572-5219 115 NW 10th Ave 33435 walterbenoit881@gmail.com
Iglesia Bautista Westside Boynton Beach (561) 737-9940 3711 Old Boynton Rd 33436-3909 wbc@wbcbb.org
International Eben-Ezer Baptist Church Deerfield Beach (754) 367-0056 1055 SW 2nd Ave 33441 GONAIBO2000@YAHOO.COM
Emmanuel Evangelical Baptist Church Delray Beach (561) 254-7351 809 SW 8th Ave 33444 emmanuelchurchdelray@gmail.com
Evangelique de Jean 3:16 Church Delray Beach (561) 376-6400 620 Bluebird Dr 33444 john_316church@gmail.com
Bethel Evangelical Baptist Church Delray Beach (561) 498-2855 5780 W Atlantic Ave 33484 secretary@mybethelbaptist.org
Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana Delray Beach Delray Beach (561) 495-5000 16333 S Military Trl 33484-6628 Amigo2yo@bellsouth.net
Casa de Vida Para las Naciones Greenacres (561) 964-1332 200 Swain Blvd 33463-3340 cdvpln@gmail.com
FBC Greenacres Greenacres (561) 964-3115 201 Swain Blvd 33463-3339 office@fbcgreenacres.org
Bethlehem Haitian Baptist Church Lake Park (561) 845-2233 425 Crescent Dr 33403 bethlehembaptist425@gmail.com
Florida Gardens Baptist Church Lake Worth (561) 964-7693 7800 Lake Worth Rd 33467-3224 gina@gofgbc.org
Peniel Haitian Baptist Church of Lake Worth Lake Worth (561) 540-6310 2000 N D St 33460-6023 pgeorges77@yahoo.com
Iglesia Hispana Biblica Lake Worth (561) 965-4525 5705 Lantana Rd 33463-6703 albert.usa23@gmail.com
Eglise Baptiste Schekina Lantana (561) 572-7188 1110 S A St 33460-4771 cgalcide@yahoo.com
Lighthouse Baptist Church North Palm Beach (561) 622-7440 757 Lighthouse Dr 33408-4741 lighthousebap919@bellsouth.net
Siloe Baptist Church Palm Beach Garden (561) 543-0490 2695 N Military Tr #10 33409-2946 elizeemichel@yahoo.com
Philedelphia Baptist Church WPB Riveria Beach (561) 234-5623 5710 N Haverhill Rd 33407-1759 fleo@bellsouth.net
FBC Riviera Beach Riveria Beach (561) 840-9643 2100 45th St Ste A7 33407
Jehovah Shalom Baptist Church Riveria Beach (561) 255-0660 2120 Avenue S 33404-5233 jeanfmoise@att.net
Iglesia Bautista Tequesta Tequesta (561) 746-4447 423 Tequesta Dr 33469 info@tequestaschurch.net
Christ Light / Victory Baptist Church West Palm Beach (561) 965-5009 4601 Forest Hill Blvd 33415-5639 clschurchwpb@gmail.com
Par la Foi de Riviera Beach West Palm Beach (561) 255-4348 1650 N. MILITARY TRAIL 33409 parlafoi7@gmail.com
Belvedere Baptist Church West Palm Beach (561) 683-2636 301 Cherry Rd 33409-6250 belvederebaptist@bellsouth.net
Eglise Sur de la Roche West Palm Beach (561) 932-9260 4050 Westgate Ave, Ste 101 , FL 33409 jeromevillefranche@yahoo.fr
United Haitian Baptist Church West Palm Beach (561) 833-1746 2015 Parker Ave 33401-7621 ymarcelon@yahoo.fr
Primera Iglesia Hispana West Palm Beach West Palm Beach (561) 585-2822 5423 Lake Ave 33405-3529 contacto@primeraiglesia.com
Emmanuel Baptist Church West Palm Beach (561) 967-1149 1901 Barbados Rd 33406 Mail@EmmanuelBaptistWPB.org
Iglesia Bautista Lumbrera West Palm Beach (561) 768-8536 4735 Lantana Rd 33463-6911 iglesiabautistalumbrera01@gmail.com
Feed the hungry Palm Beach Garden (561) 501-5524 5710 N Haverhill Road 33407 pastorsteve@fbcdelraybeach.org
Central Baptist Pt. Saint Lucie (772) 237-4907 202 SW Twig Blvd 34953

First Haitian Baptist Church Belle Glade (561) 996-5596 17 NW Ave B 33430-2632 office@firstbelleglade.com
Primera Iglesia Bautista Belle Glade (561) 996-1124 708 NW 16th St 33430 PRIMERAIGLESIA1@YAHOO.COM
First Spanish Ministry of FBC Clewiston Clewiston (863) 983-5555 102 E Ventura Ave 33440-3713 fbcclewiston@embarqmail.com
Felda Baptist Church Felda (239) 851-3467 90 N Willis Ranch Rd 33930 homsonb@comcast.net
Maple Grove Baptist Church Moore Haven (863) 946-2850 12777 E State Rd 78 33471-8833 maplegrovefl@gmail.com
Northside Baptist Church Okeechobee (863) 763-3584 51 NW 98th St 34972 nbcokeechobee@gmail.com
Primera Iglesia Bautista Okeechobee Okeechobee (863) 763-3584 51 NW 98th St 34972 nbcokeechobee@gmail.com
Oak View Baptist Church Okeechobee (863) 763-1699 677 SW 32nd Street 34974-5925 Office@oakbc.org
Hispana Pahokee (PIB Belle Glade) Pahokee (561) 996-5596 17 NW Ave B 33430-2632 office@firstbelleglade.com
First Tabernacle Baptist Church North Port (941) 225-9711 5328 Pinson Dr 34288-2314 njbernard56@yahoo.com
Sarasota Baptist Church Sarasota (941) 922-1449 7091 Proctor Rd 34241-9256 shayes@sarasotabaptist.com
New Jerusalem Baptist Church Sarasota (941) 685-7103 2030 Harvard St 34237 jeantannelus@frontier.com
Bayshore Community Bradenton (941) 755-1129 6502 14th St W 34207-5801 office@mybayshore.church
FBC Palm View Palmetto (941) 722-5077 415 49th St E Building A 34221-2043 palmviewfbc@frontier.com
FBC Avon Park Avon Park (863) 453-6681 100 N Lake Ave 33825-3152 info@fbcap.net
Fellowship Baptist Church Avon Park (863) 453-4256 1000 Maxwell St 33825-7423 office@fbc-ap.org
First Haitian Avon Park Avon Park (863) 273-8488 104 S Forest Ave 33825 FHBCAP@yahoo.com
Florida Avenue Baptist Church Avon Park (863) 453-5339 401 S Florida Ave 33825 office@floridaavenuebaptist.com
Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana La Fe Lake Placid (863) 840-1134 148 Holmes Ave 33852 identcamp@yahoo.com
FBC Sebring Sebring (863) 385-5154 200 E Center Ave 33870-3503 areed@fbsebring.com
FBC Lake Josephine Sebring (863) 655-1524 111 Lake Josephine Dr 33875-6523 fbclakejo@gmail.com
FBC Ogden Arcadia (863) 494-2099 6831 SW Senate St 34266
Murdock Baptist Church Port Charlotte (941) 627-6352 18375 Cochran Blvd 33948 office@murdockbaptistchurch.com
FBC  Pine Island Hispana Bokeelia (239) 283-1737 5363 Avenue D 33922-3260 fbcopi@gmail.com
Primera Baptista Bonita Springs Bonita Springs 26351 Morton Ave 34135 1sixsayaz@gmail.com
Shalom Hispanic Cape Coral (239) 603-3136 4117 Coronado Parkway 33904 santiagoloida2006@yahoo.es
New Hope Baptist Church Cape Coral (239) 573-1370 431 Nicholas Pkwy E 33990 david@newhopecapecoral.com
FBC Estero Estero (239) 992-0881 20300 Trailside Dr 33928 office@firstbaptistestero.com
FBC Haitian, Fort Myers Fort Myers (239) 645-5836 1019 Veronica Shoemaker Blvd 33916 lacombehubert@yahoo.com
Omega Haitian Baptist Church Fort Myers (239) 810-6535 1421 Colonial Blvd 33907 omegahbaptist@gmail.com
Fort Myers Hispana Fort Myers
Crossroad Baptist Church Fort Myers (239) 693-2777 10721 Palm Beach Blvd 33905-5904 info@crossroadbaptist.net
FBC Ft Myers Beach Fort Myers (239) 463-6452 130 Connecticut St 33931-3702 office@beachbaptist.org
Emmanuel Hispanic Baptist Church Fort Myers (239) 458-4668 2209 Unity St 33901 naranjoabel@yahoo.com
McGregor Baptist Church Fort Myers (239) 936-1754 3750 Colonial Blvd 33966 russell.howard@mcgregor.net
Iglesia Bautista de Jesuscristo Immokalee 214 N 2nd St 34142 antonio.acevedo@ymail.com
Fellowship Immokalee Immokalee (239) 657-2694 1411 Lake Trafford Rd 34142-2848 info@fellowshipchurch.co
Caloosa Baptist Church LaBelle (863) 675-4673 550 W Hickpochee Ave 33935 caloosabaptist@yahoo.com
First Baptist Lehigh Acres Lehigh Acres (239) 369-6141 200 Lee Blvd 33936-4929 info@FBCofLehigh.com
Good Shepherd Haitian Baptist Church Lehigh Acres (239) 265-1867 300 Leonard Blvd N Units 1 & 2 33971 jselvandieu@yahoo.com
First Haitian Naples Naples (239) 471-5100 14600 Tamiami Trail E 34114  moreinfo@fhbcn.org

FBC Bristol Bristol (850) 643-5400 10677 NW Michaux Rd 32321-6308 fbcbristol@fairpoint.net
Poplar Head Baptist Church Clarksville (850) 674-4201 19118 NW STATE RD 73 32430-2522 pastorphbc@yahoo.com
Crossroads Baptist Church Cottondale (850) 352-1004 3276 Main St 32431-3052 martingben@gmail.com
FBC Bascom Gordon (850) 569-2699 4951 Basswood Rd 32423-9149
Grand Ridge Baptist  Church Grand Ridge (850) 592-4846 2093 Porter Ave. 32442-4113 grandridgebc@embarqmail.com
Providence Baptist Church Grand Ridge (850) 592-5481 6940 Providence Church Rd 32442-4408 office@pbcgrandridge.com
Collins Chapel Baptist Malone (850) 569-5644 5005 3rd Ave 32445-3133
Friendship Baptist Church Malone (850) 569-2379 5507 Friendship Church Rd 32445-3111 friendshipbc@centurylink.net
Chipola Ministry Center Marianna (850)526-4050 3018 Hwy 71 North 32446 chipolabaptistoffice@gmail.com
Eastside Baptist Church Marianna (850) 526-2004 4785 Hwy 90 32446-0119
Rocky Creek Baptist Church Marianna (850) 526-7508 5458 Rocky Creek Rd 32448-7391 Chipolabaptistoffice@gmail.com
Deliverance Baptist Church Marianna (850) 209-5865 2699 Hwy 73 south 32448-5451 deliverancechurch333@gmail.com
FBC Destin Destin (850) 837-6515 201 Beach Dr 32541-2403 fbcdestin@aol.com
Village Baptist Church Destin (850) 837-8107 101 Matthew Blvd 32541-3505 spaldingl@villagebaptist.org
Sylvania Heights First Baptist Ft Walton Beach (850) 243-6629 511 Lovejoy Rd NW 32548-3830 Sylvaniaheightsfbc@gmail.com
Cinco Baptist Church Ft Walton Beach (850) 243-7656 26 Yacht Club Dr NE 32548-4466 mchristenot@cincobc.org
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Graceville (334) 798-2252 1117 Hwy 171 32440-7011 pleasantgrovebaptistfl@gmail.com
Oak Grove Baptist Church Ebro (850) 481-3795 5933 Hwy 79 32437-1145 oakgrovebaptist79@gmail.com
Baptist Christian Service Center Lynn Haven (850) 265-3688 1005 Ohio Ave 32444-2355 info@fbclynnhaven.org
FBC Panama City Panama City (850) 785-6146 640 Grace Ave 32401-2620 fbc@firstbaptistpc.com
Immanuel Baptist Church Panama City (850) 785-3459 216 College Ave 32401-4891 ImmanuelBaptistChurchPC@gmail.com
St. Andrew Baptist Church Panama City (850) 785-8596 3010 W 15th St 32401-1327
FBC Bayou George Panama City (850) 763-7541 6227 Highway 2301 32404-4424 fbcbayougeorge@yahoo.com
FBC Port St Joe Port St. Joe (850) 227-1552 528 6th Street 32456 fbcpsj@gtcom.net
Highland View Baptist Church Port St. Joe (850) 227-1306 310 Ling St 32456-5010 highlandview@hvblife.com
Long Ave Baptist Church Port St. Joe (850) 229-8691 1601 Long Ave 32456-2003 labc@gtcom.net
Dalkeith Baptist Church Wewahitchka (850) 814-8353 2223 County Rd 381 32465-5500
FBC Wewahitehka Wewahitchka (850) 639-2789 436 Hwy 71 S 32465-4563 fbcwewa@hotmail.com
Central Baptist Church Crestview (850) 682-5525 951 S Ferdon Blvd 32536-4507 paul.m@reachcrestview.org
Woodlawn Baptist Church Crestview (850) 682-2924 824 N Ferdon Blvd 32536-2157 Karen@woodlawnbaptist.com
Live Oak Baptist Church Crestview (850) 682-5160 4565 Live Oak Church Rd 32539-6308 secretary@liveoakbc.net
FBC Cantonment Cantomment (850) 968-9135 118 Morris Ave 32533-1137 firstbaptistchurch@fbccfl.com
Heritage Baptist Church Cantonment (850) 478-3316 3065 Hwy 297A 32533-7644 info@heritagecantonment.com
FBC Century Century (850) 256-3739 550 Church St 32535 centuryfbc@outlook.com
Gonzalez Baptist Church Gonzalez (850) 968-6224 1590 Pauline St 32560 gbccrysta@att.net
FBC Story Point Gulf Breeze (850) 932-2207 555 Fairpoint Dr 32561-4105 support@storypointchurch.com
Mision Casa Gulf Breeze (850) 932-2207 555 Fairpoint Dr 32561-4105 oficina.misioncasa@gmail.com
FBC Pensacola Pensacola (850) 433-5631 500 N Palafox St 32501-3921 wjackson@fbcp.org
Mertropolitan Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 434-2678 808 N A St 32501-3025
Emerald Coast Community Pensacola (850) 361-8097 3130 W Fairfield Dr 32505-4966 foundationchurch3137@yahoo.com
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 455-7389 P.O. Box 3189 32516-3189 camisimmons_mgbc@yahoo.com
The Point Chuch Pensacola (850) 492-1545 13801 Innerarity Point Rd 32507-8838 business@tothtepoint.church
Beach Haven Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 456-3631 821 Winton Ave 32507-1750 ken4042@cox.com
Olive Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 476-1932 1836 E Olive Rd 32514-7555 pastor@olivebaptist.org
Emmaus Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 341-6983 5820 Montgomery Ave 32526-1836 gladd3@me.com
Klondike Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 944-6776 7201 Klondike Rd 32526-4324 jmwallnofer@gmail.com
Pine Summit Baptist Church Pensacola (850) 944-2888 2920 Bellview Ave 32526-1306 psbc@pinesummitbaptist.org
FBC Ensley Pensacola (850) 476-2221 50 W Johnson Ave 32534-3772 ensleyfbc@yahoo.com
FBC Bagdad Bagdad (850) 623-8897 4529 Forsyth St. 32583 office@fbcbagdad.org
FBC Jay Jay (850) 675-4587 14113 Alabama St 32565 trudie@jayfbc.org
FBC Milton Milton (850) 623-3122 6797 Caroline St 32570-2202 bobl@fbcmilton.org
Ferris Hill Baptist Church Milton (850) 623-3500 6848 Chaffin St 32570-7301 office@ferrishill.org
Olivet Baptist Church Milton (850) 623-2780 5240 Dogwood Dr 32570-5705 olivetbaptistchurch@outlook.com
Living Truth Church Milton (850) 994-7698 8897 Byrom Campbell Rd 32571-9221 loree@livingtruthchurch.com
Billory Baptist Church Navarre (850) 939-2849 8162 Stillwater Cove 32566-9407 billorybaptist@bellsouth.net
Immanuel Baptist Church Pace (850) 994-6152 4187 Hwy 90 32571-1942 ajohnston@ibcpace.com
First Baptist Mossy Head DeFuniak Spring (850) 892-3525 92 Hinote Rd 32433-8131 fbcmhfamily@outlook.com
FBC DeFuniak Springs DeFuniak Spring (850) 892-2722 216 E Live Oak Ave 32435-2532 firstbaptistdfs@gmail.com
Union Springs Baptist Church DeFuniak Spring (850) 892-0292 416 Railroad St 32435 usmbcgsom@yahoo.com
FBC Freeport Freeport (850) 835-2742 430 Kylea Laird Dr 32439-4015 firstfreeport@gmail.com
Paxton Baptist Church Paxton (850) 834-2718 21757 Hwy 331 N 32567
Darlington Baptist Church Westville (850) 859-1090 4751 State Hwy 2 E 32464-2717 darlingtonbaptistchurch@embarqmail.com
FBC Chipley Chipley (850) 638-1830 1300 South Blvd 32428-1844 jennifer@firstbaptistchipley.com
Eastside Baptist Church Vernon (850) 768-2444 3385 Roche Ave 32462-3356 johnathantaylor91@yahoo.com

Shepherd’s Fold Church Kingshill
Bible Baptist Church, St. Croix St. Croix
Community Baptist Church USVI St. Croix
Calvary Baptist Church St. John
Cruz bay Baptist Church St. John
Bovoni Baptist Church St. Thomas
Ebenezer Memorial Baptist Church St. Thomas
St. Paul Baptist Church St. Thomas
Trinity Baptist Church St. Thomas


Need assistance developing a hunger ministry in your church for your community or local school?
Contact Marc Johnston, Community Ministries Catalyst.