Grow Sharper! in your ministry, Feb. 23

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A word from Dr. Green…

Sharper! provides an amazing opportunity of refining ministry skills. You are invited to join with practitioners in your area of ministry and gain deeper insight into more effective ministry. Shaper! enables your ministry team to meet with another ministry team at the location of your choice for conversation and observation concerning ministry. We all continue to grow and learn and Sharper! grants full access for ‘iron to sharpen iron’ in our lives.

Sharper! will be fully engaged across Florida on Thursday, Feb. 23. You can visit our website at to view a list of participating churches, their schedules and topics they plan to address during this training. Register for the one that best suits your needs.  What an incredible day this will be across our state as we gather in many locations to focus on reaching people for Christ! The host pastors and teams are prepared to spend dedicated time with you and your team on this day.

I am grateful for the partnership of the North American Mission Board in supporting Sharper! We are able to provide this high quality learning session at no cost. Please clear your calendars for this day and take a road trip with your ministry team to a Sharper! site.

The encouragement, fellowship, and training received during Sharper! will be a tremendous blessing. We have 23 locations around the state for you to choose which one that best fits your schedule. Proverbs 24:17 states “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” My desire is to be Sharper! in ministry and I look forward to this powerful gathering across Florida.

Sharper! is designed for churches and ministry teams of all sizes to learn from a practitioner in a complimentary role in your field of ministry. Do not miss this opportunity to grow Sharper!

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