Cummings calls Florida Baptists to find power in unity

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ORLANDO— During his Presidential Address, Erik Cummings closed the Monday evening session to applause and standing ovations for his powerful call that Florida Baptists to be of one voice, one mind and one purpose.

Earlier Monday as the Convention meeting convened, the president of the Florida Baptist State Convention (FBSC) prayed that the time in Orlando might bring Florida Baptists together as one “to impact the state for the glory of Jesus Christ,” he said.

“If we are to reach our “one” person for Christ, we have to be one within these walls,” said Cummings referring to the North American Mission Board’s evangelistic initiative, “Who’s Your One.”

“There is power in being united.”

The pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Carol City first called Florida Baptists to be of one voice by praying “God grant us a love that goes beyond what is easy and comfortable, a sacrificial love, an active love that will still be united next November after all the elections take place.”

Florida Baptist State Convention, Dr. Erik CummingsNext, he called those gathered and watching online to be of one mind. “To be of one mind is to have the same outlook and perspective,” he said. Being of one mind starts with being humble, he added, agreeing to disagree sometimes while resolving to love and to serve.

He encouraged those who have disagreements to talk it out in person rather than on social media so that “we may not damage our testimony before the world.”

“Our unity rests on what Jesus has done for us and when we pray, love and live together we honor him.”

Finally, Cummings encouraged Florida Baptists to build each other up and to keep “the main thing the main thing.” which is to glorify God.

“There are some of you here tonight wondering ‘how long can I do this?’ You can do it because our purpose is to glorify God,” he said.

“Move on conviction, not on consensus…May the barriers be broken down.”

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