BCF continues no-cost housing scholarship program

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GRACEVILE–A housing scholarship program at the Baptist College of Florida will continue during the next academic year—for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters– due to the generosity of God’s people, according to President Thomas Kinchen.

The scholarship was initiated with a fundraising campaign this past fall to help families with the expenses of attending college during the financial hardships caused by the pandemic. It will underwrite the dorm cost for single students living on-campus, and cover housing costs, except utilities, for students living in married housing.

BCF is ranked one of the most affordable colleges in the country, the president explained, however offering the housing scholarship to students is just another way of providing top-quality, Christian higher education at a very affordable rate.

“When students are able to study in residence on campus, they have the added opportunity to live in a unique Christ-centered community where they learn the academic material as well as learn how to live with other students, faculty and staff who have surrendered their lives to Christ’s service,” he said.

“This supportive and challenging community is a place where faith is strengthened, and lifetime friendships are made.”

Kinchen introduced the no-cost Housing Scholarship Program in the Fall 2020.

“My desire was to raise enough financial support for the scholarship that students would be able to enjoy the unique campus experiences without undue economic hardship,” said Kinchen.

“We are grateful to the Lord for how He has shown His generosity through His people so that we can continue to equip and prepare the next generation of Christian leaders that are “Changing the World Through the Unchanging Word.®”

For more information on the Housing Scholarship Program at The Baptist College of Florida, call 800-328-2660 or visit the website at www.baptistcollege.edu.

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