A Christmas Prayer from Dr. Green

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Merry Christmas! on behalf of your Florida Baptist Convention Team. We join with you in declaring the glad tidings of great joy in the Good News of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.

I pray that you will have a blessed season of spending quality time with family and friends. I pray that God will anoint every specific ministry of your church and personal life through this season with hope and joy. I pray that many will experience the peace, healing, restoration, and salvation through Jesus Christ over these next days.

The Wise Men presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh in reverence, obedience, and praise of Christ. These gifts were given out of rejoicing with exceedingly great joy (Matthew 2:10). I pray that our testimony and example would reflect the heart of these individuals. May we give our best and rejoice in our blessings through this Christmas season.

I pray that we will not forget those around us who are hurting during the Christmas festivities. These days are not easy for many individuals because of varied reasons. May we be sensitive to love and encourage others in Christ that God places in our journey of Christmas.

Karen and I are richly blessed by the opportunity to serve Florida Baptists. This gift of ministry is an incredible blessing in our life. I pray that you and your family will know and experience the joy of Christmas because of the greatest gift ever given – Jesus Christ the Lord!

1 Comment
  1. Ron Henson says

    Good word! Raying for you as you lead Fl Baptist’s in proclaim the gospel in to every person in Florida and to the ends of the earth. Merry Christmas!

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