State Board of Missions members gather to celebrate/plan

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JACKSONVILLE–Members of the Florida Baptist Convention’s State Board of Missions gathered virtually Feb. 6 to celebrate God’s work throughout Florida in 2024 and to look forward to His continuing movement throughout the Sunshine State in the future.

Aaron Burgner, board president, reflected on a recent mission trip to Kenya and reminded attendees, “God is always moving and working,” not only in Florida but throughout the world.

Florida Baptist State Convention President Mike Orr greeted the group and stated that he is prayerfully beginning to plan the 2025 Florida Baptist State Convention annual meeting and invited State Board of Missions members to join him in prayer as he selects a theme for the gathering.

Stephen Rummage, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention reported that Florida Baptist churches gave $28,058,383 through the Cooperative Program in 2024. Of that, the convention sent $14,077,603 to the Southern Baptist Convention’s Cooperative Program. The state retained $13,980,780 for missions and ministry efforts in Florida. Additionally, Florida Baptists gave $815,363 in 2024 to the Maguire State Mission Offering. The entire offering is designated to fund church planting initiatives in the state.

Rummage said, “I am thankful and grateful for what God had done in the state of Florida in 2024, financially and otherwise.”

Focusing on 1 Corinthians 9:25, Rummage stated that he is grateful for the heroes of the faith who live every moment of their lives in order “to make an eternal difference.” He encouraged State Board of Missions members to attend at least one stop of the upcoming Continuing Together tour, which begins on Feb. 20 and will include 14 locations in every region of the state. During this tour, Rummage will share his vision for the Florida Baptist Convention.

The Board referred three motions that were presented at the 2024 Florida Baptist State Convention to the appropriate committees for consideration. Two motions presented by Joel Breidenbaugh, messenger from Gospel Centered Church in Apopka, were referred to the Denominational Committee of the State Board of Missions. Breidenbaugh’s motions recommended amending bylaw 2 of the Florida Baptist State Convention, specifically in reference to defining standards for churches to be considered in friendly cooperation with the Florida Baptist Convention. The Board referred one motion presented by Cory Thorpe, messenger from First Baptist Church of Crawfordville, to the Administrative Committee. Thorpe’s motion referenced the digital availability of the Florida Baptist Convention’s annual guidebook. Both committees were instructed to report back at the 2025 annual meeting of the state convention.

Attendees received reports from four Florida Baptist Cooperating Ministries: The Baptist University of FloridaOne More Child, Florida Baptist Financial Services and Lake Yale Baptist Conference Center.

The next board meeting will be April 24-25 in Jacksonville.

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