State Board of Missions Approved Resolution | Amendment 4

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Amendment 4

A Resolution to Protect Human Life in the State of Florida


WHEREAS, Florida Baptists have remained steadfast in the inerrancy of God’s Word found in the Holy Bible (Genesis 1:27), which declares that God is the creator and giver of life and forms every human in his image; and

WHEREAS, in the upcoming state election, Floridians are being presented with a proposed amendment to the Florida State Constitution (Amendment 4) that would seismically impact pre-born lives by allowing the abortion of children up to the point of viability; and

WHEREAS, Florida Baptists continue to champion God’s design for life from the moment of fertilization (Psalm 139:13-14), and that God declares, through Holy Scripture, that the taking of an innocent life is a moral evil (Exodus 20:13); and

WHEREAS, the Florida Baptist State Convention has authorized the State Board of Missions to act on its behalf ad interim in moments where timeliness is of the essence; and

WHEREAS, the upcoming statewide election will occur before the Florida Baptist State Convention convenes the next time in annual session, and the convention must be on record speaking against the proposed amendment; be it therefore

RESOLVED, that the State Board of Missions, acting on behalf of the Florida Baptist State Convention, calls upon all disciples of Jesus Christ, who desire to obey God by protecting human life and loving our neighbors (Mark 12:31), to unite together in renouncing the proposed Amendment 4; and be it

RESOLVED, that we call on all Florida Baptist pastors to implore their congregations to mobilize and make their voices heard by voting against Amendment 4 on or before the November 5, 2024, election; and be it further

RESOLVED, that Florida Baptists ask all civil servants at every level of government in our state to join with us for the sanctity of human life and renounce the proposed amendment.



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