‘Meet people … meet needs …meet Jesus’

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Editor’s note: Melo Sauvel is one of the featured church planters in 2022 Maguire State Mission Offering resources. The statewide 2022 offering goal of $820,000 is earmarked to help reach the 15.8 million Florida residents who do not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, with 100% of all receipts designated to help launch church plants in the state.

APOPKA–“We want to meet people, so that we can meet needs, with the hope that they will meet Jesus,” said Church Planter Melo Sauvel, who launched One Family Church in Apopka this past January.

One Family Church, Church Planting, Maguire State Mission Offering“There will always be needs, but the gospel is the greatest need.”

Whether serving local elementary school teachers or hosting a community back-to-school bash, the church is dedicated to meeting the needs of its community for the purpose of gospel transformation.

For Sauval, the Maguire State Mission Offering has helped the church transform its dreams and plans into reality.

“Because of the faithfulness of Florida Baptists, we have been able to do things that we would otherwise just be talking about or planning,” Sauval said. “Because of the support, we have been able to serve our community with greater capacity.”

The multi-ethnic, multi-generational church plant has a mission to “glorify God and expand His family by making disciples,” he said. Seeking to expand the family of God, One Family Church has majored on building relationships.

“One of the things that we want to model for our community is the unity of the body,” Sauval said. “We want to meet families and build relationships and really get to know them.”

One Family Church, Church Planting, Maguire State Mission OfferingQuoting Ephesians 2:19, Sauval stated that the church is asking the question, “What does it look like to see those who were once strangers and aliens to God, now fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God?”

Sauval challenges members of the young church plant to engage with their neighbors, offering hospitality in their homes in order to bring people into the family of God.

“We want the front door of our church to be the front door of our homes,” Sauval said.

Though the pastor recognizes there will always be needs and distractions for the church plant, he is grateful he is not serving alone.

“Being part of the SEND Network is an incredible reminder that we are not alone,” he said.

With thousands of people moving into the central region of Florida each year, One Family Church looks forward to its future of continuing to be faithful in doing its part to fulfill the Great Commission.

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