Florida to focus on holiness/celebrate gospel advance/conduct business at 2024 annual meeting

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ORLANDO– When the 2024 Florida Baptist State Convention convenes at First Baptist Church in Orlando Nov. 11-12, Florida Baptists will gather to celebrate churches working together to advance the gospel, conduct business and welcome Stephen Rummage as the recently elected executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention.

The theme for the annual gathering, A Holy People: Shining His Light in a World of Darkness, was selected by Mike Orr, FBSC president.

Orr stated that his hope for the annual meeting is that Florida Baptists will be “refocused and renewed in our pursuit of personal holiness because our witness for Christ will be much stronger when we are a people of holiness. My hope is that, when we leave, we go back to our churches and lead our congregations to pursue an intimacy with Christ to be a people of holiness which results in a personal and congregational holiness for the glory of God.”

Orr, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Chipley since 2000, continued, “In 1 Peter chapter 1, the Holy Spirit through the Apostle Peter instructs that we are to be holy in all of our conduct because God Himself is holy, and I believe it is essential not only in our personal lives but also in our mission to reach Florida to live a holy life.”

He believes, “Our witness for Christ will be much more of effective if we are witnessing from a pursuit of holiness. The Lord Jesus says that we are the light of the world. We are to shine our light in a world of darkness and that light shines brightest when we are walking with God in holiness.”

Orr has served one term as FBSC president, and he will be nominated to serve a second term.

“I am willing to serve a second term because I desire to be useful to the Lord during this important transitional time as Tommy Green has retired and Stephen Rummage has assumed the role of executive director-treasurer. I have been encouraged by people across our state to serve a second term. If God can use me during this key time, then I am willing to serve in this capacity.”

Looking forward to his first Florida Baptist annual meeting in his new role, Rummage said, “As I have begun my time serving as executive director-treasurer for the Florida Baptist Convention, I have been encouraged by the singular mission of Florida Baptist pastors and their churches. Florida Baptist churches are passionate about leading people to faith in Jesus Christ, baptizing new believers and growing disciples. When we come together for our annual family gathering in November, we’ll have multiple opportunities to celebrate the great things God is doing in our Florida Baptist churches.

“Michele and I can’t wait to be face to face in Orlando with so many pastors and their wives, as well as other leaders from across our state. God has great things in store for us as we continue together.”

In addition to conducting business, electing officers and enjoying fellowship meals, messengers to the 2024 annual meeting will focus on Challenge 2025 successes and hear numerous biblical messages. Speakers for the two-day event are:


November 11

Monday afternoon:

Adrian Taylor, lead pastor, Springhill Church, Gainesville

Monday evening:

Mike Orr

 Clayton Cloer, president, Baptist University of Florida

At the conclusion of the evening service, Orr will lead attendees in a special season of prayer.

November 12

Tuesday morning:

Stephen Rummage

Ted Traylor, pastor, Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola

Tuesday afternoon:

Willy Rice, senior pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Clearwater
During the afternoon between the two messages, Orr will lead in a second special season of prayer specifically focusing on Florida Baptists being a people of holiness.

The praise teams from First Baptist Church of Chipley and Baptist University of Florida will lead in worship.

At the conclusion of the afternoon session, attendees will be invited to a reception honoring Tommy and Karen Green on the occasion of his retirement in August after serving almost 10 years as Florida Baptists’ executive director-treasurer.

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