Florida Baptist State Convention – Session 3, continued

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Following a musical worship set led by the Baptist College of Florida worship team, Finny Matthews preached the first sermon of the third session of the 2018 Florida Baptist State Convention.

Matthews, president of Alpha International Ministries in Greensboro, N.C., read out of Acts 4:31 and preached about the exclusivity of the Gospel and the sovereignty of God.

He shared a story about living in northern India with his parents at a time when the government persecuted Christians. Exclusively preaching Christ as the way to heaven was what caused authorities to jail and beat pastors, he said. But like the disciples in Acts 4, the church prayed a corporate prayer and trusted in the sovereignty of God.

“They did not ask to be taken out of the situation, they asked for boldness…Through His power invested in us we can overcome anything the world throws at us.”

Going over a brief history of the first church and the church in India, Matthews showed that when the church is persecuted it also grows but it takes men and women willing to rise up in faith in God.

“My sovereign Lord has a hold of our future so let us rise up.”

Right Beside You – Evangelism and Baptism

Tommy Green welcomed pastor David Uth of First Baptist Church Orlando, to the stage to talk about evangelism and baptism. Acts 2:41 Sunday, an idea that Uth shared with Green some time back, is a Sunday in May where churches all across Florida baptize new believers.

“Ten percent of the state’s baptisms occur on Acts 2:41 Sunday,” said Green.

Uth shared three things his church has done that have led to more people being baptized.

  1. Make it spectacular.
  2. Make it simple. “Don’t let something like clothes be a barrier for people to be baptized.”
  3. Make it the most important thing in the church. “This is the most important work of the church.”

Convention Sermon – Jimmy Scroggins

Jimmy Scroggins, pastor of Family Church in West Palm Beach, closed the third session of the FBSC annual meeting, preaching out of John 8: 2-11. In his sermon titled “It’s not my fault: It’s my responsibility,” Scroggins encouraged the messengers to be like Jesus was before the Pharisees when they wanted to stone the adulteress woman.

“People believe that religious people will push them out and push them down, but Jesus pushed back on that narrative…He draws them in and lifts them up.”

As Jesus’s ambassadors we must do what he would do if he was here. “Their sin is Jesus’ responsibility, but their situation is our responsibility.”

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