Willy Rice urges faithfulness in a shifting culture

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Photos by Michael Duncan

ORLANDO—Willy Rice, pastor of Calvary Church in Clearwater, delivered the closing message at the 2024 Florida Baptist State Convention annual meeting and urged attendees to remain faithful in a society increasingly at odds with Christian values.

Focusing on Daniel 5:13-17, Rice challenged attendees to adopt Daniel’s example of courage, integrity and foresight in what he described as a “negative world”—a society where Christianity is now viewed not as good or neutral but as a “bad worldview.”

Reflecting on the shift from a positive to a negative perception of Christian values in the wider culture, Rice emphasized that the faithful response is not to fight with worldly means but to draw on God’s power. He outlined three essential responses for Christians facing this cultural shift: standing distinct, speaking courageously and seeing beyond the culture.

Standing distinct from culture

Rice highlighted the significance of leading a holy life that stands out from worldly norms. Referencing Daniel’s wisdom and integrity, he urged Florida Baptists to ensure their identity as believers is evident.

“Daniel was recognized for his uniqueness,” Rice remarked. “Even outside the king’s orbit, the king knew who Daniel was.” He cautioned against excessive involvement in secular politics and total disengagement, advocating for a balanced, God-centered approach to societal challenges.

“We are called to a higher standard,” he reminded his audience, “and not to conform to the patterns of this world.”

Speaking courageously to culture

Rice encouraged Christians to communicate truthfully and courageously, just as Daniel interpreted the enigmatic writing on the wall. He pointed out that Daniel remained unaffected by the king’s promises of riches or power, delivering the truth without fear of repercussions.

“To be a holy leader, you cannot shy away from speaking the truth,” Rice asserted. He urged attendees to dismiss a “soft-pedaled” method and instead offer clarity and conviction to the next generation which is searching for unwavering truth in leaders.

“Often, what we consider kindness is actually a form of weakness,” Rice emphasized, urging Christians to balance compassion with boldness in their speech.

Seeing beyond the culture

In his concluding remarks, Rice highlighted the necessity of a vision that transcends current culture. He reminded attendees that, like Daniel, Christians must recognize the fleeting nature of worldly powers. Daniel’s understanding of Babylon’s approaching downfall exemplified this timeless viewpoint.

“Today, the influence of popular culture can make what we do in our churches seem small,” Rice remarked, “but in a moment, a new King will arrive.”

He urged those gathered in person and online to remember that their foremost loyalty lies with God’s kingdom rather than earthly authorities and encouraged them to act accordingly despite societal challenges or misconceptions.

“God is calling us away from this present Babylon,” he finished, appealing for holy men and women to stand out, speak boldly and perceive beyond the prevailing culture.

To hear this message in its entirety, click here.

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