Radiant City Church reaches college students, Boca Raton community

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Editor’s Note: Cliff McCray Jr. is one of the featured church planters in 2024 Maguire State Mission Offering resources. The statewide 2024 offering goal of $900,000 is earmarked to help reach the 16.7 million Florida residents who do not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, with 100% of all receipts designated to help launch church plants in the state.

BOCA RATON—At just over three years old, Radiant City Church in Boca Raton has become a “beacon of hope” in its local community and at Florida Atlantic University, where community residents and students are hearing and responding to the gospel.

Lead Pastor Cliff McCray, a former University of Central Florida football player, recalls how his faith journey began in a moment of tragedy. “In my third year of college, after a teammate tragically died, I had my ‘come to Jesus’ moment,” McCray shared. It was through the guidance of a college pastor that the Scriptures came alive for him and led him toward the path of ministry.

In January 2017 McCray and his team felt the call to plant a church in South Florida. Through much prayer and discernment, Radiant City Church was born. As challenging as church planting is, McCray said it was the best decision he and his family ever made.

“Church planting is the craziest, wildest thing we could ever do, but it’s also the best decision we’ve ever made,” McCray reflected.

Church planting is the craziest, wildest thing we could ever do, but it’s also the best decision we’ve ever made.

Cliff McCray church planter, Radiant City Church, Boca Raton

‘Holy discontent’

Since its launch in January 2021, the church, with a steadfast commitment, has shared the gospel with non-believers and has guided believers to deepen their faith. Through baptism, new believers have embraced the opportunity to affirm their commitment to Christ in a public expression of their faith.

Radiant City Church recently has been blessed with a new building in the heart of Boca Raton, less than two miles from Florida Atlantic University. This prime location has enabled the church to foster relationships with the student population. As McCray and his congregation prayed for ways to reach the local community, their hearts were drawn toward the university’s 30,000 students, particularly those on the football team.

“In our first three years, we’ve welcomed approximately 46 souls into the fold through baptism,” said McCray.

This January, Radiant City celebrated 13 baptisms, nine of whom were FAU students—eight of them football players. “It’s been amazing to see God move among these young men,” McCray shared. “We’ve felt a holy discontent to reach the FAU campus, and the fruit we’re seeing is a testament to God’s faithfulness.”

‘Beacon of hope’

Being part of the North American Mission Board’s Send Network has been key to Radiant City’s success. McCray expressed gratitude for the diverse family of churches and leaders who have paved the way. “We don’t have to figure it all out ourselves. There are leaders who’ve gone before us, investing in us, showing us the best practices, and helping us avoid the mistakes they’ve already navigated,” he said.

The efforts of church planter Cliff McCray embody the true essence of evangelistic work, and his passion for reaching the lost in Boca Raton is a beacon of hope for the community.

Tim Wolfe Send City missionary, North American Mission Board

Tim Wolfe, Send City missionary for the North American Mission Board, expressed gratitude for the church’s dedication to evangelism. “The efforts of church planter Cliff McCray embody the true essence of evangelistic work, and his passion for reaching the lost in Boca Raton is a beacon of hope for the community,” he remarked.

Radiant City’s mission continues to focus on prayer and partnership. McCray is passionate about mobilizing other churches and individuals to join in praying for church plants across Florida.

“Prayer is the very means that God uses to accomplish His will,” McCray said. “If you’re asking how you or your church can get more involved in church planting, start by praying. Pray for the churches in our network and the new church plants. God may very well use your prayers to help us reach more souls.”

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