An Open Letter to Gov. Rick Scott from Dr. Tommy Green on behalf of the State Board of Missions

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May 18, 2016

Office of Governor Rick Scott
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL   32399-0001

Governor Scott:

On behalf of the thousands of Southern Baptists across the state of Florida, I am contacting you now to urge your prayerful consideration of the recent joint-action taken by the United States Department of Education and Department of Justice.  As you are certainly aware, these two federal agencies have sought to do exactly what the United States Constitution prohibits them from doing.  Specifically, they hope to intimidate local public schools, colleges and universities into adopting a number of polices relating to transgender youth and young adults.  We believe that these policies would be harmful to our children and our society as a whole.

As I am sure you are aware, the impacts of the policies in question are not limited to restrooms.  Quite the contrary.  The collateral impacts of the policies being forced upon us are wide-ranging and dangerous.  The Bible is clear that, from “the beginning,” God created us “male and female” (Matthew 19:4). The mandate from these federal agencies would require schools to ignore this fundamental—and scientifically verifiable—fact.  It is impossible to miss how morality, science and pragmatism all line up in opposition to these policies.  As a result, this reckless transgender mandate cannot be accepted.  We urge you to use the full weight and power of your office to oppose this unconstitutional overreach.

On behalf of Southern Baptists across Florida, I implore you to take every step necessary to protect the young citizens of our great state from the damage these polices would inflict.  We urge you to refuse to accept these polices at the state level, and we urge you to support the local school districts which seek to do the same.

As we have expressed to you previously, we fervently pray for you and your family.  May God’s blessings, wisdom and boldness continue to be upon you.


Dr. Tommy Green
Executive Director-Treasurer
Florida Baptist Convention

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