Official Notice: Committee on Nominations

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A Committee on Nominations composed of pastors, laypersons, and church staff has been appointed by the officers of the Florida Baptist State Convention. Ronny Raines, pastor of First Baptist Church, Bradfordville, was named to chair the 49-member committee.

The committee is made up of one member from each of the 49 associations in the state, plus three officers of the state convention who serve as ex officio members. The committee is responsible for nominating Florida Baptists to serve on the state convention’s boards and committees. Their nominations must be approved by messengers during the annual meeting of the Florida Baptist State Convention in November.

Any Florida Baptist can suggest persons to serve on the governing bodies by downloading a Nomination Form 2018. The completed forms must be returned to Patty Vansant in the Office of Executive Director-Treasurer no later than July 27. For a complete list of vacancies, see  Vacancies 2018.

To meet guidelines set by the Bylaws of the Florida Baptist State Convention, persons who are recommended by July 27 will be sent a Nominee Qualifying Questionnaire which must be completed and returned by August 30 for committee consideration.

The committee will meet on September 13, 2018.

Download the Nomination Form 2018

Download the complete list of Vacancies 2018

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