Island Crusade sees many come to Christ

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Despite being the smallest of the U.S. Virgin Islands, the residents of St. John felt a huge Gospel impact during the Feeding of the Five Thousand revival that not only satisfied a physical hunger but a spiritual one as well.

Jeffery Singletarycentral Florida catalyst, said that during the two-day revival, a total of 7,200 meals were served, 45 decisions for Christ were made and attendance was in the thousands.

“The Spirit of the Lord moved in a great way,” he said through text messages exchanged while he was on the island.

Tommy Green said the crusade was an opportunity to speak a message of hope to the people of the U.S. Virgin Islands who were adversely affected by hurricanes Irma and Maria.

“Pastors Willy Rice from Calvary Church in Clearwater and Adron Robinson from Hillcrest Baptist Church in Illinois did an outstanding job of proclaiming God’s word,” added Singletary.

“I am grateful for the opportunity to represent our church in this small way,” wrote Rice in a Facebook post. “I have seen the resilience and faith of the people and we are praying that God will use this to strengthen the churches and open doors for compassionate Christian ministry and bold witness for Christ…Thanks for praying for us though.”

“We have seen pastors unite on the island and we have had the opportunity to build relationships with them and the people,” added Dr. Green.

For the Thanksgiving holiday, the Florida Baptist Convention served 28,000 meals and saw 575 decisions for Christ, reported Singletary.

During the Easter season, the Florida Baptist Convention through Myles Dowdy, missions and ministry catalyst, and Singletary will organize another crusade to bring meals and a message of hope in Jesus Christ to the people of St. Croix.

These events “reflect the generous giving of Florida Baptists through their Cooperative Program and Disaster Relief contributions,” said Dr. Green.

By Keila Diaz, Florida Baptist Convention, January 4, 2018

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