“Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples”

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Book Review: “Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples”

“Growing Up: How to Be a Disciple Who Makes Disciples,” written by Robby Gallaty, is an instruction manual on how to become a disciple-maker. Basing this model on the ministry of Jesus , who led the first discipleship group, the author cites 2 Timothy 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

The senior pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church in Chattanooga, Tenn. communicates that every Christ follower should not only make disciples, but also make disciples who make disciples. The book provides solid insight into the value of discipleship, primarily by engaging the reader in the concept of having an investment mindset–others invest in your life/you invest your life into others. The book recommends readers start what the author calls a HEAR journal. The HEAR method encourages even the most seasoned believer to create an atmosphere to hear God speak and study their Bible in a new light.

 How can it be used in discipleship?

Growing Up is a great resource to take readers to a deeper level in the discipleship process. Gallaty suggests using the book in a discipleship group (D-Group) setting that involves a 1-on-2 or 1-on-3 setting, a model that results in a faster multiplication rate. Growing Up can be used in a variety of ways, but especially in three primary ways. First, each person can read the book separately, then come together to discuss the principles within each chapter. Second, the group can read the book together in a small group setting. Third, D-Group leaders can teach the principles to their disciples and then help them process through the material. Regardless of how it is used, the book helps a D-Group grow by together in their understanding of discipleship, as well as the practical steps of living it out.

How are you using it at the BCM?

We are using Growing Up to help our students understand what it looks like to make disciples who make disciples. Our students take the idea of making disciples seriously and we are beginning to see many college students who have never even heard of discipleship become a more disciplined Christ-follower. Amazingly, we are seeing new disciple groups continue to rise up after understanding the importance of discipleship.

To begin this journey, our BCM students meet in 1-on-2 settings and walk through the book Gospel Centered Life by Robert H. Thune for nine weeks. This book helps them process what the gospel looks like and what it means for them.

Then, they walk through Growing Up for the purpose of understanding what it looks like to be a disciple-maker. During the D-Group’s time working through Gallaty’s book, each disciple is required to start their own D-Group with two other students who they feel God has placed in their life to disciple.

The end result, we believe, is a group of maturing Christ-followers who are prepared to disciple others and instill in them the need to replicate the process in others. This is a fundamental foundation for them to carry throughout their lives.

By Rahul Agarwal, Baptist Campus Ministry director, Tampa

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