Free tax help for churches coming March 2

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On March 2, First Baptist Church in Orlando will be hosting a National Forum on Tax Reform that will help churches and other ministries understand what the recent changes to the tax code mean to them.

The Orlando event is one of three identical events taking place across the country this month and next month and is being co-sponsored by the North American Mission Board, GuideStone, the accounting firm Batts, Morrison, Wales & Lee, and the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Free Resources

Dan Busby, president of the EFCA, is urging churches not to miss out on this important resource.

“The Tax Reform National Forum will highlight practical information about how the new tax law will impact your church,” Busby said. “We will provide free resources and helpful action items for your church to implement.”

Real Answers

Danny DeArmas, senior associate pastor at First Orlando, said the event is totally free to attend and no one will be selling or promoting any products or services.

“These guys are the experts on being able to advise churches and they’re willing to come together and help us,” DeArmas said.

National industry leaders will present information on how the new tax law affects individual taxpayers, corporate and business taxpayers and estate planning. Attendees will not only hear about what has changed in the tax code but will also learn strategies and practical planning ideas to help them navigate the changes.

Comprehensive Changes

Michele Wales, National Director of Tax Services at Batts, Morrison, Wales & Lee, said considering the comprehensive nature of the tax reform, something that hasn’t happened in the last 30 years, “nearly everyone will be affected in some way.”

“Churches could be affected in multiple ways – in the way the tax law affects the charitable giving of their members; as employers affected by new withholding and other employment-related changes; and as organizations subject to new tax rules themselves, Wales said.  “Therefore, it is extremely important that churches familiarize themselves with the new law so that they can evaluate its impact and implement necessary changes.”

To register, click here or call 1-800-323-9473 for more information.

By Nicole Kalil, Florida Baptist Convention, February 8, 2018

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