Faithful in Giving

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A word from Dr. Green…

Thank you for your faithful giving to missions through the Cooperative Program. The churches of the Florida Baptist Convention led the entire Southern Baptist Convention in Cooperative Program receipts in 2017. Your commitment to giving together through the Cooperative Program has fueled the fire for evangelism and missions throughout the world.

The split of 51% to SBC causes and 49% to Florida ministries has changed the conversation in SBC life. Florida Baptists are instrumental in the shifting of the percentage retained by State Conventions of the Cooperative Program. It has been reported recently by the Executive Committee of the SBC that for the first time in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention the amount retained on average by Southern Baptist State Conventions is now below 60%.

The 49% of Cooperative Program monies that remain in Florida provide resources for Kingdom ministry across our state. I am pleased to announce that between CP, Maguire State Missions Offering, and Disaster Relief Funds that we were able to invest $4,944,134 back into our churches and associations in Florida. Our commitment to be ‘Right Beside You’ is reflected in the giving of CP dollars to our churches for ministry.

The complete listing of Cooperative Program gifts of our churches can be viewed here.
The listing of the leading 200 churches of the Florida Baptist Convention in Cooperative Program giving can be found at flbaptist/news

I am grateful for the faithful giving of our churches through the Cooperative Program. We are exceeding our projected unified 2018 Cooperative Program budget through February. Thank you for being Faithful in Giving!

Please take a moment and view this message of appreciation for the faithful Cooperative Program giving of our Florida Baptist Churches.

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