Begin the new year covering our pastors, families in prayer

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I encourage Florida Baptists to begin the new year in prayer for our pastors. These men are on the front line of the cultural battles of our society, standing firm for Christ.  The role of the pastor is filled with tremendous challenges and struggles. Those who faithfully shepherd the flock are under attack and need to be covered by our prayers. Florida Baptist pastors are proclaiming the Gospel in the midst of opposition and refuse to compromise “Thus says the Lord.” I am grateful to God for these men who are fulfilling their calling to the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our pastors are blessed with supportive wives who diligently uphold their husbands in prayer. I encourage you to pray in a specific manner for the wife of your pastor. The wife of a pastor hears all things and bears all things with dignity and grace. The members of our churches will never fully realize the silent pain of the wife of a pastor. She balances the dynamics of family, career and ministry while being engaged in the work of the ministry. These ladies carry a burden that is unique to her calling as the pastor’s wife.

The children of our pastors also need to be uplifted in prayer. Expectations placed on the pastor’s children are often unrealistic. We need to be careful not to damage the family of a pastor. Remember, this family is not perfect, but placed in a setting where all eyes are upon them. Pray for God’s grace, mercy, strength and peace to be with these children.

No one understands the demands of leading a church unless they have been in that position. It is easy to be critical, demanding and unrealistic toward our pastors.

I implore the members of the more than 3,000 Florida Southern Baptist churches to begin 2016 by covering our pastors and families in prayer. Encourage your pastor and family in this new year with a communication of appreciation and support.

Pray for fresh wind, fresh oil and fresh fire to anoint his life as he leads the local church in ministry. I pray that 2016 will be a year of spiritual encouragement for our pastors and their families. My prayer is from Numbers 6:24-26:

“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

Blog by Dr. Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention

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