Annual Meeting: Messenger Registration – 2015

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Messenger Registration is Available through Two Options
Each cooperating Florida Baptist church or mission is permitted to send at least three elected messengers to the annual meeting of the Florida Baptist State Convention. Based upon a church’s membership total a congregation can designate up to a maximum ten duly elected messengers.

1. Pre-register Online:

A pre-registration process is available and can be facilitated online and will be available from September 25 until 12 midnight November 6, 2015.

Step 1. Go to the website:

Step 2. Enter your church’s user name and password on the screen shown below:
If you do not know your username and/or password, please contact your church. They are located on the ACP instruction packet or call 800-226-8584 ext. 3078.


Step 3. Click on the link:
Register for Florida Baptist State Convention


In the resulting screen, the allowed number of messengers for your church will be shown. This number is based on total membership of your church as reported on the 2014 Annual Church Profile (ACP).



By clicking on the “Continue to Pre-Register” button you will advance to the “Messenger Selection” screen.


By clicking on the “Select a person” a drop-down screen offers two options:
1) Select a person from the list to add as a messenger and after selecting that person you would click
“Add Messenger” to add them to the list. This step may take several seconds to come up.


This screen appears each time after the “Add Messenger” button has been clicked.



2) Choose the first option to create a new person if the person you need to designate as a messenger is not
already on the list. And then click on “Add Messenger” to get to this screen:


After you click “Create Staff” the new person will appear on the Messenger list.

To add more messengers up to the church’s limit, repeat steps 1 or 2 as necessary and when finished, click
“Continue to Pre-Register.”

On the next tab, “Messenger Questions,” there are three questions that pertain to each messenger:


After answering those questions for each messenger, click on “Continue to Pre-Register” for that last tab, “Overview.”


This is where you can print the messenger cards to bring to the registration desk at the State Convention. If the checkbox under “Print” is not already checked, then check that box for each messenger and then click the “print Messenger Cards” button. Please print these forms on regular 8 ½  x 11 paper. You will get one form for each messenger and the messengers will need to bring and turn in these forms at the registration desk at the State Convention to receive their messenger packet, ballots, and name badge.

2. Order Messenger Cards:

Church leadership that prefer not to use the online pre-registration process can still secure messenger registration cards. To secure messenger cards, call 1-800-226-8584, ext. 3078.

Once the cards are received at the church the moderator or clerk must sign and date the card. This card is to be given to the respective messenger. This completed card must be brought to the State Convention registration desk to be located in the lobby of First Baptist Church, Panama City.

Completing the Process: 

The registration area will open beginning from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 8; from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday, November 9; and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10.  Messengers must bring the computer-generated document or the printed messenger card to the State Convention registration desk to be located in the lobby of First Baptist Church, Panama City.

Registration Help:

For assistance in the pre-registration process or to secure messenger cards, call 1-800-226-8584, extension 3078, or e-mail by clicking here.

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