Primera Iglesia Bautista de Panama City: ‘Missions is our DNA’

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PANAMA CITY–Political tensions were on the rise more than a decade ago in Venezuela where Hugh Redmon and his wife, Betsy, had served as International Mission Board missionaries for more than 25 years. During this time of unrest, First Baptist Church of Panama City, the Redmons’ home church, approached the couple with an opportunity to plant a Hispanic church in northwest Florida.

The Redmons returned to their Florida roots to begin their 13th church plant, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Panama City, which celebrated 12 years of ministry this fall.

“The Northwest Coast Baptist Association has a great relationship with the church. The anniversary celebration is a culmination of a lot of prayer and hard work, especially by the Redmons, but by the church as a whole,” said Troy Varnum, Northwest Coast’s associational mission strategist.

The celebration, attended by more than 350 people, included a Latin-style service that is typical of a Sunday morning at Primera Iglesia Bautista de Panama City. Church services tend to be longer than a traditional service at First Baptist Church of Panama City and incorporate Latin music and rhythms.

The church has averaged between 200 and 300 participants during each semester of the ESL classes.


Through the years, the church has strengthened relationships in the Hispanic community, particularly through English as a Second Language courses, which average 200 to 300 participants who are able to hear the gospel as they learn English and get plugged into the Hispanic ministry.

Additionally, the congregation has a clothing closet to help immigrants get on their feet and hear the gospel while settling into their new home.

Primera Iglesia Bautista de Panama City reaches the Hispanic community with ESL classes where the gospel is shared and people can get plugged in at the church.


“The Hispanic campus has been a great blessing to our church as we have been able to reach across a language barrier and become a multicultural church,” said Craig Conner, senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Panama City. “It has been a joy to see this ministry blossom into a thriving congregation.”

The Hispanic congregation’s reach goes beyond the local community. Pastor Hugh Redmon said, “Missions is the DNA of our campus.” The church partners with other Hispanic congregations in Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil and Southern Italy.

Looking ahead, the church plans to add an associate pastor and continue to grow and thrive in the mission of sharing the gospel with Hispanic residents in the local community and throughout the world.

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