Haitian pastors explore basics of church revitalization during Challenge 2025

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ORLANDO— The Haitian Challenge breakout sessions at the Challenge 2025 gathering in Orlando welcomed a 164 Haitian pastors and church leaders during morning and afternoon sessions Feb. 22.

Keynote speaker was Jean Marc Désiré, senior pastor of The Evangelical Haitian Baptist Church of Canape-Vert, Petion-Ville in Haiti, and author of “La Vérité Qui Libére” (The Truth that Liberates).

Désiré’s presentation focused on the conditions needed to revitalize a dying and divided church, a theme he addresses in his book.

To be revitalized, Désiré  said, a dying church must become faithful in preaching the Bible; prioritize prayer; pursue the power of God by restoring the mission of the church of Jesus Christ, manifesting the Holy Spirit, and becoming a church on fire for the Lord.

Also, a revitalized church must develop a plan to carry out its mission and stand on the marks of the church; to preach the Gospel, administer the sacraments, and practice discipline.

A divided church, he added, can find unity by going back to the basics. Church members must relearn the biblical definition of a believer, the role of the church in an individual’s life must be re-established and there must be communion among the believers.

Those who attended the breakout said they were encouraged and convicted by Désiré’s presentation and looked forward to implementing their new knowledge in their congregations.

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