Equipping Leaders to Engage a Changing Culture
This year’s Refocus Conference, with the theme of “Equipping Leaders to Engage a Changing Culture”, was held on March 22nd and 23rd at North Jacksonville Baptist Church and was attended by over 200 participants. The first night of the event began with a worship service provided by the Westside Baptist Church Praise Team. The worship service sparked praise and rejoicing before an uplifting message to conference goers.
The message, provided by Dr. Tommy Green, Executive Director of the Florida Baptist Convention, focused on committing to the vision God provides for you while integrating systems to make the vision go forth for Kingdom purposes (from the scripture Nehemiah 2:12 and Nehemiah 4:6). Dr. Green implored the attendants to “prepare leaders for where they are going, not where they are now”, in the spirit of the conference theme. He ended his word with an uplifting charge to expect more from what God places in your heart and left the crowd with very high expectations for the trainings that would take place the next morning.
Saturday morning, the 23rd, began the training sessions that ranged from “Leading Like Jesus in a Changing Culture” to “Foundations for Christian Education and Leadership”.
“The Conference was great and very informative! Both presenters of my classes were filled with the Holy Spirit and did a great job with their presentation,” said Jennifer H. Jackie G. added “Great 2nd year! The goal of operating in a spirit of excellence is clear. Thank you. To God be the glory! I’m sure He is pleased.”
The conference ended with a message from Dr. Gary L. Williams, Sr. and had attendants excited for next year’s Refocus Conference.