Black & Multicultural Pastors celebrated in Southeast Region

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The Southeast Regional Center in Hialeah opened its doors to approximately 100 pastors and their wives for an appreciation dinner hosted by the Florida Baptist Convention.

The multicultural and multigenerational crowd enjoyed dinner while listening to worship music played live.

Erik Cummings, pastor of New Life Baptist Church in Miami Gardens, welcomed the group and honored two legacy pastors for their service and Gospel-focused ministry.

Al Fernandez, southeast regional catalyst, expressed appreciation to the wives of the pastors gathered and their service that though often not seen, is key.

Patrick Coats, multicultural church catalyst, thanked the pastors for their ministry.

Tommy Green, executive director treasurer of the FBC shared a message of encouragement.

Preaching out of Luke 9, Green shared anecdotes about his pastoral ministry that had many present nodding along to and even chuckling.

Despite difficult times, like when he had to eat a squash pie that was anything but delectable, Green told the pastors that “we minister not for a pat on the back but because we were called.”

“We must be faithful in what God has called us to do…How we respond to it will determine our ability to be used by Christ.”

By Keila Diaz, Florida Baptist Convention, March 19, 2018

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