Women’s mission, ministry leaders create network to foster growth, encouragement

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JACKSONVILLE—The Florida Baptist women’s missions and ministries team is forming a leader’s network for women leading ministries across the Sunshine State.

The goal of the Women’s Missions and Women’s Ministry Leaders Network “is to help build a strong network of women’s missions and women’s ministry leaders who have friends in ministry that can serve as a resource and encouragement to one another,” said Cindy Bradley, catalyst, women’s missions and ministry/missions education.

Virtual roundtable meetings have been taking place during the past few months to give leaders the opportunity to become acquainted with other leaders in their region. More than 30 women attended the virtual meetings, which were interactive and hosted twice on Thursdays.

The women discussed everything from how to stay in touch with women in their churches during COVID-19, to how to bring together age groups of women for activities whether virtual or in-person.

“We are hoping the roundtables and the launch of the Women’s Missions and Women’s Ministry Leaders Network will result in connecting women’s missions and ministry leaders across the state that will build strong relationships, foster growth in women’s groups, facilitate more opportunities for equipping leaders to lead, and ultimately see more women engaged in Bible study and missions outreach across the state,” said Bradley.

In the future, the state missions leader hopes these virtual meetings will take place once a quarter with the intention of adding in-person meetings in the future.

“We recognize that the past few months have been different than any of us expected,” said Bradley. “Yet, we know that God is in control and still has a plan for us. His call to us to be disciple-makers, disciple-encouragers and disciple-equippers has not been rescinded. In fact, it is just as relevant today as it was a few months ago.”

For more information and to register for future virtual meetings, contact Bradley at cbradley@flbaptist.org

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