Who’s Your One?, An SBC Evangelism Emphasis

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J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), previewed the upcoming SBC’s evangelism emphasis called Who’s Your One? during a simulcast from Ridgecrest Baptist Church in Durham on Jan. 31.

“These are some challenging days for the Southern Baptist Convention,” said Greear, who is also pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham. “These are some challenging days for the church in general in the United States, but is God perhaps setting us up for one of the greatest evangelism explosions that we’ve ever seen?”

The Who’s Your One? resource is being designed and produced by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and will be used to help pastors equip their church members to share their faith. The resource will be available starting Feb. 20 at whosyourone.com

The idea behind Who’s Your One is to encourage each church member to identify one person they could pray for and seek to bring to Christ in the year. Greear first brought this challenge to The Summit in 2017. “The phrase we kept repeating was, Who’s your one? It’s not an elaborate or complicated idea, but this simple idea led to our most evangelistically effective year to date,” wrote Greear in his blog back in March 2018. “Because of this intentional push toward evangelism, we ended up baptizing 700 people last year.”

The Florida Baptist Convention (FBC), will host five regional evangelism conferences around the theme Who’s Your One starting March 11 in the West region, followed by the Central region on March 12, North region on March 25, Southwest region on April 29 and East region on April 30. Meals are included for those who register.

“The Who’s Your One emphasis is an exciting evangelism initiative for our Florida Baptist churches,” said Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the FBC. “We are encouraging all of our churches to be involved in this important outreach… I am praying that through this unified effort to #ReachFlorida many individuals will be saved. Our upcoming Regional Evangelism Conferences will provide resources for this exciting opportunity.”

“The simplicity of [Who’s Your One] is what makes it compelling,” said Craig Culbreth, East Regional Catalyst of the FBC. “It’s important and it’s simple to understand and everyone knows at least one person.”

By Keila Diaz, Florida Baptist Convention, February 14, 2019

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