Use of Church Facilities Assets and Resources

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At the February 2015 State Board of Missions meeting, legal counsel for the Convention was asked to provide a form bylaw provision that could be used by Baptist churches around Florida to clarify how their facilities, assets, and resources might be used. The following statement is provided for consideration by Florida Baptist churches. If it meets the approval of these autonomous congregations, they may choose to insert this provision into their constitution or bylaws.

The Church staff and other appropriate leadership shall oversee implementation of a church policy regarding the use of church facilities, assets and all other resources. Such policy will ensure that all facilities, assets and resources of the Church are used in a manner which is consistent with the Holy Scriptures and the Baptist Faith & Message, 2000. The policy shall be drafted to ensure that any use of all or part of the church grounds or facilities (whether by members or by outside interests or entities) will be done in a manner consistent with our beliefs as a Church. Moreover, any and all use of church property shall be sufficiently documented and memorialized so as to protect the church from unnecessary exposure to liability.

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