Summer is For Discipleship

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COVID-19 has reminded all of us that ministry, at its core, is about investing the gospel well into the lives of people. Events matter, but at the end of the day, people discipling people who will, in turn disciple other people, is at the very heart of what we do.

With this in mind, there is perhaps no group of people more relational or desirous of this personal investment from their local church leaders than college students. So, whether you are ministering online, in-person, or a combination of the two this summer, take advantage of this unusual season to go deeper with the college students God has entrusted to your local church.

Many of them are available and would no doubt value an opportunity to grow in their walk with Jesus with you, if you will just reach out to them. A little intentionality on your part, in simple ways, has the potential to reap dividends not only in their walk with Christ, but also in your congregation for years to come.

Here are three simple ways to begin discipling college students well this summer, regardless of your proximity to one another:

  1. Read a book together. Aside from their regular devotional time, encourage college students to read books with their peers that will aid them in their spiritual growth. Once you pick a book to read, allow the students to take ownership and facilitate the book discussion with your participation and oversight.
  2. Schedule a weekly prayer time. Take advantage of this season to help your college students grow in this foundational spiritual discipline with other believers. Jesus taught his disciples to pray, and we should too.
  3. Explore creative ways to engage in global missions. Take advantage of free online ministry programming such as “Stateside Summer 2020” through IMB Students and other resources to help college students develop an awareness and heart for global missions during this season. Invest now in anticipation of next summer’s mission opportunities.

Take advantage of this simplified ministry season God has given you to invest your life into the next generation of faithful ministry leaders. Don’t let your summer go to waste. Summer is for discipleship!

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