Student Ministries Gather for Super Summer Camp

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Florida Baptist student ministries gathered get for a week of fun and spiritual growth for Super Summer. Super Summer camp took place July 8-12, 2019. 30 Florida Baptist churches, totaling 650 people, gathered at Lake Yale Baptist Camp and Conference Center for the annual event.

“Super Summer exists to come right beside the local church in discipling students through camp ministry,” said Billy Young, Next Generation Ministry Lead Catalyst for the Florida Baptist Convention. “Churches that attended Super Summer reported 119 milestone decisions for Christ, which included 30 students trusting in Christ for the first time. We celebrate with these churches and will pray for them as they continue to disciple students.”

Every day started with church group devotion and ended with church group share time. During the day students participated in a morning and evening worship service, small group Bible study and team recreation. Dr. Jay Strack and Jeff Wallace from Student Leadership University preached during the evening and Bethany Barr Phillips led worship.

Super Summer camp provided opportunities for students to grow in many ways in their walk with the Lord. “Watching lukewarm teenagers that are on the fence, go to camp, and then watching them catching fire for Jesus is life changing,” said Bobby Miles, Minister of Students at Central Parkway Baptist Church in Orlando.

Super Summer has been our go to camp for several years now. Our students love the worship, bible study, team time, and the camp in general,” stated Aaron Hale, student pastor at First Baptist Church in Madison. “God has used our time at Super Summer through salvations, rededications, deepening relationships with Jesus, and strengthening friendships of our students with their peers throughout he state of Florida.”

Super Summer will take place next summer July 6-10, 2020. Find our more information at  Registration information can be found at

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