Say YES to VBS – 2025

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Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Our Savior prioritized being with children and made the connection between children and the Kingdom of God.

While we have the opportunity every week to prioritize ministry to children and their participation in the Kingdom of God, collectively there is an event that has been the most effective at reaching and leading children. It’s Vacation Bible School. According to Lifeway, “95% of Americans who say they have a child who has attended VBS agree that participating in VBS was one of their child’s most meaningful church experiences.”[1]

Why is Vacation Bible School so impactful? Think about the following:

At Vacation Bible School, kids interact with loving church members of all ages, as well as their peers.

At Vacation Bible School, kids are taught the Bible.

At Vacation Bible School, kids are given the opportunity to receive Christ.

At Vacation Bible School, kids learn in a safe and caring environment.

At Vacation Bible School, it’s all about kids coming to Jesus!

Last year, well over 100,000 kids participated in VBS at a Florida Baptist church! And there are plenty more who would participate, if invited.  “69% of American parents will encourage their child to participate in a VBS event at a church they don’t attend if invited by one of their friends.”[2] What kids will join your church at VBS this next summer?

As you begin to think about your plans for VBS, consider joining us for one of our regional Vacation Bible School trainings this spring. Our trainings are led by Florida Baptist children’s ministers who love kids and love VBS. We’d love to see you and your team at any of the following:

[1] It’s Worth It, 48.


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