Hispanic State Fellowship Meeting

2018 Florida Baptist State Convention

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The Hispanic State Fellowship met at Iglesia Bautista Coral Park on Monday, Nov. 12th before the start of the Florida Baptist State Convention to elect new officers and give an update of its ministry partnerships.

“As we continue uniting churches and leaders from around Florida we are seeing great collaboration in strengthening believers and churches to fulfill the Great Commission together,” said Emanuel Roque, Hispanic church catalyst of the Florida Baptist Convention.

Following a short but moving worship set the Fellowship elected new officers to the roles of president; vice president; south, central and north Florida directors as well as directors of family and youth. Alberto Ocaña, pastor of Iglesia Bautista Northside, introduced the new officers: David Perez, Carol Vidal, Daniel Milovan, Rogney Paz, Gabriel Vargas, Eliezer Perez and Carlos Finale who will fill those roles respectively.

The fellowship of Hispanic pastors then heard a report from Cuban convention leaders. Jose Legra, president of the Cuban Eastern Baptist Convention, shared that there are currently 652 churches, 41 thousand members, 777 missionaries, 778 seminary graduates and 30 new churches. Daniel Llanes, president of the Cuban Western Baptist Convention, reported 1,952 house churches of which 41 were started this year, 27,361 members, 1,028 missionaries, and 575 seminary students.

Pastor Reynier Coro, of Iglesia Bautista Resurreccion in Kissimmee, was the meeting’s keynote speaker. Reading out of Lamentations 3:22-23 he spoke about God’s faithfulness.

Al Fernandez, southeast regional catalyst, brought greetings on behalf of Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention, and told the group that “what you do is important for the Kingdom. You are important. Thank you for being here.”

Over 100 pastors and church leaders attended the meeting which many found to be encouraging and informative.

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