FBC Naples and City Church Miami partner to serve One More Child
For City Church Miami serving their city is one of the better ways to spend a weekend and that’s exactly how they kicked off the month of July.
“What an incredible weekend #ForMiami,” reads a FaceBook post on the church’s page. “We at City Church Miami served alongside the @College20sNaples of FBCNaples loving on our city and meeting needs of our foster children from One More Child Global.”
City Church Miami partnered with the young people of First Baptist Church of Naples—who traveled down to Miami for a missions weekend—to serve the local Florida Baptist Children’s Home location.
“We try to cultivate a heart for our city,” said City Church Miami’s Pastor Tommy Parke. “Caring for orphans is biblical and we wanted to do that.”
The service-filled weekend started on Friday with some street evangelism by both churches but Saturday was the highlight.
“During our time there we played with the children, encouraged house parents, cooked a meal for them, expanded their pantry to fit more food and did some light clean up of the campus,” said Parke.
Houseparents, he added, are often overlooked in these service scenarios but they too need encouragement as the responsibility they bear is a very important one.
Currently, One More Child is looking for a pair of house parents to serve at one of the homes.
“If someone reads this and feels called they should get in touch with the Florida Baptist Children’s Homes,” he finished.
By Keila Diaz, Florida Baptist Convention, July 6, 2018