South Florida churches minister to Parkland school shooting victims

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Florida Baptists are reeling along with all of Florida and the rest of the nation after a gunman opened fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. on Feb. 14th leaving 17 dead and another 14 injured.

Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Convention, said while our thoughts and prayers will be with the Parkland community for some time, he is thankful for the churches that are making a difference in the lives of those who are mourning today.

“We are grateful for churches that are hosting prayer gatherings and loving their neighbors in this tragic time,” he said. “We grieve with those who grieve in this hour.”

Touched by Tragedy

The main campus of Church by the Glades is located less than 10 minutes from the school and lead pastor David Hughes said many of the students in his church attend Douglas High.

Hughes held back sobs as he explained that a few families in his church had suffered a fatality and one family has a son who is “gravely injured.” They are still in the process of accounting for all their members connected to the school.

Hughes said that at times like this people often wrestle with the reasons but that’s not the most important question to have answered.

“What now?” he said is the better question. And “Who wins?”

“Do we let fear and cruelty, violence and hatred win or do we continue to fight against the darkness and continue to bring the message of hope and light that comes through Jesus Christ?” he asked.

‘We care’

Eddie Bevill is pastor of Parkridge Church in Coral Springs, just blocks from where the suspected gunman was taken into custody. He said many Douglas High School employees and students are members of his church family and are still grappling with yesterday’s tragic events. As far as he knew at press time, Bevill said all the members of his church have been accounted for.

“From within our church there is great sadness and a sense of loss,” he said.

Bevill recounted a conversation with a leader in his church who was friends with Aaron Feis, the assistant football coach who is said to have lost his life while shielding students from the bullets with his body and the first victim to be publicly identified. The man said when they were students themselves, he and Feis had watched together as the events at Columbine High School unfolded on TV in 1999, both of them weeping over the senselessness of it.

Parkridge Church met at Douglas High School for the first seven years of its existence and Bevill said the church has enjoyed a good relationship with the school ever since. They stand ready to help the school and the community through the grieving process.

Seventeen balloons were released in honor of the 17 victims of the Parkland school shooting during a vigil at Parkridge Church today.

Part of that was a prayer vigil the church hosted on its property earlier today put on by Church United, a cross-denominational, evangelical group. Thousands, including Florida Gov. Rick Scott, turned out to pray for healing and protection and to seek solace and support with fellow grieving neighbors. Many on the platform read Scripture to the crowd in English, Spanish and French and pointed toward “the God of angel armies” as our ultimate source of strength.

“What we’re trying to say to our county is that Christians care because Christ cares,” Bevill said. “We want to be a present help in times of trouble.”

Sal Cavarretta, pastor of the Boca Raton campus of Family Church, attended the vigil. He said it was a great showing of how the community of Parkland and neighboring communities are able to come together and support one another.

Two students in his church who attend Douglas High School lost friends and a teacher in the attack. On his way to meet with that family, Cavarretta said: “It is my privilege to be able to go and be a comfort to anyone going through this kind of thing and that even through this, the Gospel would shine even brighter.”

Being the Church

Billy Young, Next Generation Ministries Catalyst, said while we don’t have all the answers, we have the ability to point people to the One who does.

And just be there for them.

“Sometimes working with students the most important ministry you can have is the ministry of presence,” he said. “There’s no perfect way to minister here.”

“We find ourselves here once again, sadly,” said Al Fernandez, Florida Baptist Convention Catalyst for Southeast Florida. “But this is an opportunity for the church to be the church. My prayer is that churches around the school can demonstrate the love of Jesus and the Gospel.”

Parkridge’s Bevill said it’s also a time for prayer.

“Once you’re off the front page it goes out of people’s minds unless you live in that community,” he said, “but we will need to continue to be lifted up in the weeks and months to come.”

Dr. Green wants Parkland to be on the mind of all Southern Baptists on Sunday, Feb. 18th.

“We ask that our Southern Baptist family join us in specific prayer this Sunday for those impacted by this horrific event,” he said. “Our prayer is for God to grant comfort, mercy, and peace to these families.”

You can help

Attorney General Pam Bondi announced a Go Fund Me account to cover victims’ funeral costs and hospital and counseling expenses. You can contribute by clicking here.

By Nicole Kalil, Florida Baptist Convention, February 15, 2018

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