#Sharper2019 kicked into gear Saturday morning in southeast Florida as pastors, staff and lay leaders came together to get sharper for ministry.
Iglesia Global in Miami Gardens and Haitian Emmanuel Baptist Church in Little Haiti started welcoming guests early in the morning with breakfast, prayer and worship. Sharper! at Iglesia Global was done in Spanish and at Haitian Emmanuel it was done in Creole.
At Iglesia Global 96 were in attendance and Haitian Emmanuel approximately 75 attended.
Hispanic pastors and leaders heard from Iglesia Global’s pastors Russell Johnson, Marcel Sanchez and Janet O’Rear about the basis for a bilingual church, their own journey as a bilingual church, how to be equally excellent in both language services and bilingual discipleship. In addition to the breakout sessions, attendants had the opportunity to ask questions during three, one hour long question-and-answer periods.
“This is the challenge of all ethnic churches,” said Javier Sotolongo, pastor Iglesia Bautista Estrella de Belen in Hialeah. “In all states these principles can be applied to churches ministering to ethnic groups with first, second and third generations.”
Emanuel Roque, Hispanic church catalyst of the Florida Baptist Convention said that the “key to fulfilling the Great Commission is to contextualize and disciple people in their heart language.”
At Haitian Emmanuel Baptist Church attendants heard presentations on church administration, church safety and security, and second generation ministry among others. Senior pastor Wilner Maxy also shared the church’s history and talked about their administration.
“One of the most talked about sessions was the second generation ministry,” said John Voltaire, Haitian church catalyst of the FBC. “It covered important steps needed in order to lead a Haitian church with a second generation that is more American than Haitian.”
“Many pastors and leaders in attendance expressed their appreciation for such a conference,” added Voltaire. “It helps them learn and see new things that they can implement in their own churches.”
There is still time to register for a Sharper! Ministry Conference near you. Click here to register today!
And don’t forget to share your experience with us on social media using #Sharper2019 and tagging @FLBaptists.