Local Churches can partner with BCM

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The sad truth is “Two-thirds (66 percent) of American young adults who attended a Protestant church regularly for at least a year as a teenager say they also dropped out for at least a year between the ages of 18 and 22”, according to a new study from Nashville-based Lifeway Research.

Research shows us that high school students stop attending church after they graduate and go to college. Students have a tendency to put their faith on hold while they focus on college and preparing for their future. What a pivotal time period in their lives when being rooted in their faith and surrounded by the body is crucial. So how do we reach these students again while engaging those who are unreached on college campuses across our state?

It has to start with the local church. Biblically speaking we know that the local church is the primary way of reaching the world with the gospel (Ephesians 4:11-13). But, how does the local church strategically engage with and reach college students? Especially when resources, time, and volunteers can be limited. Consider partnering with Baptist Collegiate Ministry (BCM).

BCM is a ministry whose mission is to partner with local churches to reach college students. BCM engages college students on their campus by hosting bible studies, discipling students, equipping students to reach their peers and gathering weekly to teach the Word. So how does BCM link arms with the local church to reach college students?

Three Ways Baptist Collegiate Ministry Helps the Local Church:

1. College Students are the Focus

College students are the primary focus of Baptist Collegiate Ministry. Many local churches aren’t equipped with the extra resources to reach students on campus. BCM is on mission on college campuses daily interacting with students.

2. Informing College Students

Between classes, assignments, work, and even social media, students are bombarded with information. It’s easy for them to prioritize college life over their relationship with the Lord as so much is competing for their attention. BCM helps highlight local churches and works to connect students to the local church. Local church leaders are encouraged to come speak at our gatherings and be involved at activities we host on campus.

3. Continued Presence on Campus

Baptist Collegiate Ministry is a constant presence on campus, when the local church can’t always be. We are able to form relationships with students who might not ever attend church eventually forming a bridge from on campus ministry to the local church context.

The Great Commission was given to make disciples of all nations. Allow Baptist Collegiate Ministry to partner with your church to help reach college students for the glory of Christ. Local BCM directors in your area would love to connect with you – we are right there beside you!

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