Even during COVID-19, maximize you summer!

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The summer of 2020 is a unique summer, not what any of us anticipated. For the most part, traditional camps are not happening. Vacation Bible School’s may look differently. Many of our churches are finding new and creative ways to have student and kid ministry summer programs. I shared a few thoughts about summer ministries last year, and even though this summer is different, the same principles still apply. I am going to revisit those tips and apply them to the summer of 2020.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but with the added logistical concerns this summer, there may be a tendency to make sharing the Gospel something we add-on. Sharing the Gospel and helping people grow in their walk with Jesus is the reason the local church exists. Make sure to communicate the Gospel truth this summer. It will be a win to get students back, but make sure you intentionally share the Gospel.

  • Build and re-establish relationships with students

Normally going off to camp or the added time at VBS gives you time to build relationships with students and kids. This summer you may be focused more on cleaning surfaces, checking temperatures, or keeping people 6 feet apart. Take the time to engage with those in your ministry and re-establish relationships with them. There is a good chance that you have not seen some of them in a few months.

  • Evaluate volunteer structure

Recruiting is a never-ending task in the life of those leading next generation ministry areas. This summer may provide new on-ramps for potential volunteers. Keep in mind that some volunteers may not return to work with kids and students, so recruiting new volunteers for the fall may be a necessity.

  • Have fun!

COVID-19 has added more stress to gathering next generation ministry areas in our churches. Make sure you take the time to have fun! VBS, summer camps, and other events in the summer are usually the highlight of our year in next gen ministry. Have fun!

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