Cultural conference encourages Florida Baptists in South Florida

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Conquista tus Gigantes, or in English Conquer your Giants, was a powerful conference designed to remind women and men that God fights for us. Featured speaker Wendy Bello, three-time Christian book author, shared a message out of Romans 8:31 with the women gathered at Iglesia Bautista Northside last Friday night.

The conference drew more than 180 women and 60 men from local Baptist churches as well as 45 young women from His House Children’s Home, a nearby orphanage. The conference featured worship, a biblical message, testimonies, and fellowship. The men heard from pastor Adrian Ramos while the women were taught by Bello. More than 25 volunteers served during this conference.

Ramos and Bello each touched on cultural issues that Christians would certainly battle with.

The Florida Baptist Convention came alongside Northside with funding for this conference.

“I want to commend Iglesia Bautista Northside for taking on the cultural avalanche we face as believers and acknowledging that our men and women face a barrage of messages from the media on masculinity and femininity,” said Al Fernandez, southeast regional catalyst of the FBC.

Bello reminded the women that as Christians they will face many giants that will manifest as relationship problems, difficulties at work, parenting and in a myriad other ways. However, “the Bible instructs us to put on the full armor of God so when the enemy attacks we can be grounded on an unshakeable faith,” she said. “We can only do this by being in constant prayer.”

“Twelve spies came back with a report from the Promised Land which they presented to the Israelites” recounted Bello. “Most of them only saw the giants and were intimidated. But Joshua and Caleb saw it from another perspective and conquered.”

More than 10 women rededicated their lives to Christ and more than 50 decided to give God full control and surrender to His will and let Him fight for them.

Giants will come into our lives – the question is, what will you do when you face them?

Bello finished with some simple encouragement.

“Often times we forget that ‘giants’ come to teach us to look to God and not to our circumstances. Let us always remember that the battle isn’t ours. Our ultimate goal shouldn’t be to obtain a prize but rather for Christ to be glorified. It is He who conquers.”

By Silvina Gregorich, Iglesia Bautista Northside, August 31, 2018

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