Black Multicultural Pastor’s Fellowship
2018 Pastors Conference
The Black Multicultural Fellowship gathered to share a meal and hear a word of encouragement between the second and third sessions of the 2018 Florida Baptist Pastor’s Conference.
Anthony Burrell shared a message from 1 Timothy 6:11-16, where Paul was instructing Timothy on the characteristics of a man of God.
Burrell said the man of God is known for certain things:
- He is known by what he flees from. There are things in this life that we must avoid if we are going to contend for the faith.
- We need to flee from the love of money.
- We need to flee from the obsession of false teachers.
- The man of God is known for what he follows after. The Bible says to resist the devil and he will flee but we need to be mindful of what it is we are running to.
- As living epistles, people are reading our lives and to be a faithful testimony, our lives need to be characterized by righteousness, faith, love, patience and gentleness.
- The man of God is known by what he fights for. Paul said we must fight the good fight of faith.
- The man of God is known by what he’s faithful to. One of the things we must be faithful to is making sure our walk matches our talk.

Burrell ended by telling the gathered group the key to fulfilling God’s will in your life:
“The key to being what God wants you to be in this life will be because the word of God is working in your life – God’s word will grow you up in the full stature of a man or woman in Christ Jesus.”
The luncheon ended with a time of prayer over the life of Pastor’s Conference President Erik Cummings and his family, church and ministry. Then all the attendees stood and joined hands and we prayed for the ministries of everyone in the room.