BCF annual Missions Conference: “Turning Challenges into Opportunities”

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GRACEVILLE– “Turning Challenges into Opportunities” is the theme of The Baptist College of Florida’s 2021 Annual Missions Conference scheduled for Monday, Oct. 18 through Wednesday, Oct. 20.

The conference will be held “maintaining the position that despite the ongoing pandemic, reaching the world for Christ is still our calling and our commission,” said Sandra Richards, BCF director of Student Life and Marketing.

During this event, BCF faculty, students and staff will join representatives from a wide variety of missions’ agencies to discuss new challenges facing the world, and opportunities presented by these new challenges.

Each year, Richard Elligson, conference coordinator and chair of the Theology Division, invites passionate speakers to share their heart for missions with the conference attendees.

This year’s event will feature three Southern Baptist leaders as chapel speakers: Tommy Green, executive director-treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention; Paul Chitwood, president of the International Mission Board, SBC; and Kevin Ezell, president of the North American Mission Board, SBC.

During the three-day event, more than 20 mission agencies will provide displays in the BCF Wellness Center with information about their organizations and to recruit volunteers for upcoming mission projects. Florida Baptist representatives will join missionaries in answering questions throughout the event.

As BCF students continue to participate in national and international with mission trips, many opportunities are discovered during the annual conference. The event not only benefits the student body but also BCF family, local churches and mission representatives as they connect with people from across the globe who share one common goal: to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world.

The daily chapel service will be held on campus in the R.G. Lee Chapel at 9:30 a.m. Missions displays will be set up Monday from 10:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Tuesday from 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. and 6:30-8 p.m., and Wednesday from 8 a.m. – 12 noon. On Tuesday the Florida Baptist Disaster Relief Team will serve students lunch and a Missions Round-Table Discussion will be held that evening in the Wellness Center.

The conference is open to area churches to meet missionaries from around the world and to see where the Lord is leading the church to serve next.

For more information on the upcoming missions conference at The Baptist College of Florida, please call 800-328-2660 or visit the website at www.baptistcollege.edu.

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