Florida Baptist Convention, Disaster Relief


Click Here To Continue To Background Checks

The Florida Baptist Convention has implemented an updated background check protocol for all of its employees and volunteers. The policy states, “As a result, all convention staff and volunteers will be required to submit to a background check conducted by the same vendor (“Protect My Ministry”). There will be no blanket exceptions to this new policy and protocol. It does not matter whether someone may have already been through one or more other screenings, they will still need to undergo the Protect My Ministry background check. The Convention appreciates the cooperation and understanding of all of its employees and volunteers.”

Since the implementation of this policy in 2015, all who wish to be credentialed by—and work with— Florida Baptist Disaster Relief as a volunteer must undergo this background check process.

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions)

If I have been background checked elsewhere, will I need to complete Florida’s Background Check?
YES. Convention policy, in accordance with the law, must sustain its own level of care. The Convention policy states, “volunteers will be required to submit to a background check conducted by the same vendor (“Protect My Ministry”).”

Is the cost included in the Training Registration Fees?
 Fees only cover related expenses to training materials and administration costs.

Is there a cost for the Background Check?

YES. The cost is $20 of which you will pay (by credit card, debit card….) when you submit your application to Protect My Ministry.

Does this background check include a credit check? 
NO. The report does not consider any credit reports.

Will a person under the age of 18 be required to complete a background check?

NO. Current FLDR policy states that anyone under the age of 18 will be considered a YOUTH. Youth cannot be called out on their own. Youth can only respond with their credentialed legal guardian.

What would keep a person from meeting the background requirements?

While not exhaustive, here are some issues that persons who have been found guilty of such offenses as: Abuse or assault/battery — physical or sexual, Rape, Any crime of a sexual nature (including possession or dissemination of pornography), Homicide or manslaughter in any degree, Attempted murder, Domestic violence, Child neglect, Kidnapping, Arson, Weapons violations, Any crime (misdemeanor or felony) involving children.
For a more definitive answer you may contact Human Resources, Florida Baptist Convention.

Where do I go to complete my Background check?

Click Here To Continue To Background Checks

Florida Baptist Convention, Florida Baptist Disaster Relief