Who’s Your One?

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What if every member of your church prayed and invited ONE other person to church?

How would it change your community?

The Florida Baptist Convention has come right beside churches throughout our state to help them reach into their communities with the Gospel. Through the evangelism conferences themed Who’s Your One? hosted at the Baptist College of Florida and at Calvary Baptist Chuch of Winter Haven church leaders were equipped and encouraged to be on mission.Who's Your One?, Florida Baptist Convention, Evangelism. Gospel WitnessEvangelism starts with a conversation and everyone knows at least ONE other person to have that conversation with. A coworker. Neighbor. Friend. The Who’s Your One initiative resource will help you reach them and inspire you and your church to be on mission.

Who's Your One?, Florida Baptist Convention, Evangelism. Gospel Witness“The Who’s Your One emphasis is an exciting evangelism initiative for our Florida Baptist churches,” said Tommy Green, Executive Director-Treasurer of the Florida Baptist Convention. “We are encouraging all of our churches to be involved in this important outreach… I am praying that through this unified effort to #ReachFlorida many individuals will be saved.”

You can join the movement today as an individual here and as a church here. Resources are available in English and Spanish and include a prayer guide and prayer calls and a free church kit.Who's Your One?, Florida Baptist Convention, Evangelism. Gospel WitnessJ.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention, launched this movement and encourages churches and individuals to join today.

“We track and measure everything and sometimes, we think the only numbers that really matter are the big ones. I’m challenging us all to focus on this number: the number one. Who’s your ONE?”

Share your stories with us on social using #whosyourone and tagging @FLBaptists.

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